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Created By: Willy McCoy. Why Determine Correct Mailing Address?  Applying the correct mailing address is very important  If you apply the wrong address,

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Presentation on theme: "Created By: Willy McCoy. Why Determine Correct Mailing Address?  Applying the correct mailing address is very important  If you apply the wrong address,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Created By: Willy McCoy

2 Why Determine Correct Mailing Address?  Applying the correct mailing address is very important  If you apply the wrong address, confidential information might get into the wrong hands  This could result in loosing your job

3 Looking Up Zip Codes  Web sites online     Phone Book  In the front of the phone book is a list of the cities and their zip codes

4 Not sure about the mailing address?  Call and confirm address with the receiver of the mail  The address will be posted next to the company name in the phone book

5 USPS  USPS stands for United States Postal Service  Packages dropped off at your local post office are picked up daily by the USPS and delivered  Packages are usually delivered in two to three days  USPS has strict package size and weight restrictions

6 UPS “What Can Brown Do For You?”  UPS stands for United Postal Service  UPS may take up to two weeks to deliver a package  Delivers any reasonable size package

7 Overnight Express  Overnight express is the fastest a letter can travel  If you use overnight express then the plane fly’s at night instead of stopping  Overnight express is more expensive  You would use this if you were late on sending the package or you were short on time  To determine the cost, they check the size, weight, and distance the package must go the website of the

8 Tracking Packages  Go to the website  Examples     Enter the tracking code  Click the track button  Location of package will be given

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