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UNISSENSE MARKET PLACE Websites: Registered in United Kingdom (England), London The Future is Today …

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Presentation on theme: "UNISSENSE MARKET PLACE Websites: Registered in United Kingdom (England), London The Future is Today …"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNISSENSE MARKET PLACE Websites: Registered in United Kingdom (England), London The Future is Today …

2 UNISSENSE MARKETPLACE Unissense offer services to Whole sellers, retailers, suppliers, manufacturers to list their products and promote sales via Unissense Marketplace. They can also create their own store in our marketplace which helps their business to get more customers world-wide.

3 WORK FLOW OF UNISSENSE MARKET PLACE Unissense Market Stores – Product to Customers.

4 BENEFITS OF UNISSENSE MARKET PLACE Create Your Own Store Unissense Marketplace Multiple Currency Available Market Store Cover Showcase your Social Media Links & Content Details Locate Your Store Here Get User Feedback Categories your products Get Direct Sales Request

5 BENEFITS OF UNISSENSE MARKET PLACE Generate more sales lead Advertise & Market your products Enhance your presence Get listed on top search engines Extensive business growth Quick sales generation Continuous update on each sales lead Business communication management Continuous Improvement tips and guide 24/7 Support

6 KEY FEATURES Let Buyers Find Your Products Buyer Access Privileges List Company Profile, Contact Details (QR-Code) Certificates. Professionalism, Average Rating of your Market Store to attract a wide audience Worldwide Gain More Buyer Trust World Analytical Report of your Sales and Product Search Powerful Business Tools Training & Customer Services Special Promotions

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