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World History May 19, 2011. Do Now!!  Finish Sneak Peek  Study Guide (DUE TOMORROW) SWBAT analyze the effects of WWII.

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Presentation on theme: "World History May 19, 2011. Do Now!!  Finish Sneak Peek  Study Guide (DUE TOMORROW) SWBAT analyze the effects of WWII."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History May 19, 2011

2 Do Now!!  Finish Sneak Peek  Study Guide (DUE TOMORROW) SWBAT analyze the effects of WWII.


4 D-Day, VideoVideo On D-Day, the Allied Powers stormed the beaches of Normandy in France, overwhelming German forces and helping end the war on the European Front.

5 The Allied forces attacked Berlin in 1945 with Soviet forces advancing from the East while other Allied forces came in from the West, defeating Germany.

6 European Theater On 28 April, Mussolini was executed in Giulino (a civil parish of Mezzegra); the other Fascists captured with him were taken to Dongo and executed.

7 Germany On 30 April, German dictator Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his bunker along with Eva Braun, his long-term mistress whom he had married just hours before their joint suicide. Because of these incidents, fighting in Europe ended in May of 1945.

8 Pacific Theater Two atomic bombs were dropped in Japan, one in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki. President Harry Truman dropped the atomic in order to prevent excessive casualties. VideoVideo

9 Pacific Theater, VideoVideo  Things that happened in the Pacific Theater:  island-hopping  atomic bomb  Bataan Death March.

10 Emperor Hirohito The defeat of the Japanese in World War II caused the Emperor to announce that he was “only human after all.” “From as early as I can remember, the Emperor was an important presence even in our remote home. He was a descendant of the gods from thousands of years before, never to be looked at or listened to by mere mortals, a presence to be revered and protected and obeyed…Finally…, my family and neighbors gathered around the radio and listened in stunned silence to the voice that had never before been heard, saying he was only human after all. Everyone was crying. I was sad and confused…”

11 The Effects of WWII, VideoVideo Europe and Japan were in ruins after the large bombings. World War II is a turning point, as Europe lost its dominance in the world, as its colonies began to demand independence.

12 Deaths WWI  35 million WWII  60 Million

13 After WWII  Two superpowers emerged after WWII, the USA and the Soviet Union.

14 US Involvement, VideoVideo Marshall Plan– Plan for the USA to help Western Europe recover economically. Truman Doctrine– U.S. declared support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.

15 Containment, VideoVideo  The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were ways for the US to “contain” communism (keep it from spreading).

16 As World War II was ending, the United States decided to join the United Nations in an effort to create peace.

17 DBQ  Answer documents first.  On note card, you are writing your introduction paragraph:  A hook  The thesis  Three facts that support your thesis

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