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The Scientific and Technical Visualization presentations and materials were produced by the members of the state team from Guilford County High Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific and Technical Visualization presentations and materials were produced by the members of the state team from Guilford County High Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific and Technical Visualization presentations and materials were produced by the members of the state team from Guilford County High Schools that developed the new curriculum and training materials. The members were: Phyllis Jones and Roy Kimmons. Modifications to support Charlotte Mecklenburg High School standards were made in the summer of 2007 by Rick Lacek, also a member of the state team that developed the new curriculum and training materials. CTE Program Coordinator: Barbara Boyd July1,2007

2 1.01 Demonstrate basic business meeting skills

3 Parliamentary Procedure Principles & Purposes Majority rules Minority has the right to express opinions Justice and courtesy for all

4 Parliamentary Procedure Principles & Purposes One item is considered at a time Maintain order at all times Business is transacted as quickly as possible

5 Terms & Definitions Parliamentary Procedure A set of rules for conduct at meetings which keeps assemblies orderly and guarantees that all people have equal opportunity to express themselves Item of Business A single matter to be discussed or acted on by an organization

6 Terms & Definitions Assembly A group of persons gathered for any purpose Debate Any discussion of opposing ideas relating to a motion being considered Minutes The official written record of what was said and done in a meeting

7 Terms & Definitions Committee A group of people delegated to study, investigate, make recommendations, and report on certain matters Ad Hoc A special committee formed to consider a single matter Unfinished Business Any business previously discussed and held over from a previous meeting

8 Terms & Definitions Standing A regular committee which usually serves for a one year period to plan/carry out activities that fall w/in a certain subject matter Majority vote More than half the votes cast Two-thirds vote Two-thirds or more of the legal votes cast

9 Terms & Definitions Second An indication by a member that he or she wants to consider the motion just proposed by another member Pending motion The immediate motion before the assembly Meeting An official gathering of the members in order to transact business

10 Terms & Definitions Minority Less than half Majority More than half Quorum The number of members needed to be present to legally transact business

11 Purpose of Using a Motion To bring a question before the assembly for consideration.

12 Motions & their Purposes Main motion To present an item of business for consideration and action by the assembly Amend To change a main motion in some way; add to, take away from, or substitute words for Postpone To defer action of a motion until a later time

13 Motions & their Purposes Point of order To call attention to a mistake in correct parliamentary procedure made during the meeting Question of privilege To ask a question or call attention to the assembly of an important issue during the meeting Division of the assembly To revote in a specific counting method especially after using a voice vote

14 Motions & their Purposes Refer To place a motion in the hands of a committee Previous question To immediately stop debate and go directly to a vote Adjourn To dismiss a meeting

15 Steps for Processing a Main Motion Obtain the floor Be recognized by the Chair by standing and saying Mr. Chairman Chair assigns the floor The Chair recognizes one of the members by pointing or nodding Member makes the motion States “I move that …” Another member seconds the motion

16 Steps for Processing a Main Motion Chair restates the motion to the assembly Motions is discussed/debated by the assembly Vote is taken on the motion Vote is announced and appropriate action is taken

17 Methods of Voting Secret ballot Voice Used on majority vote motions by stating Aye or No Show of hands Used in smaller assemblies to count votes

18 Methods of Voting Rising Used in larger assemblies to count the votes General Consent Used in matters generally understood to have no objection

19 Order of Business Should be developed for each business meeting Follow outline and plug in what would be appropriate to individual business meetings

20 Order of Business Opening Call to order, emblem ceremony, pledge to flag) Roll Call Reading of Secretary’s minutes Treasurer’s report Committee reports Standing Ad Hoc

21 Order of Business Unfinished business New business Program Speaker, film, etc Adjournment Refreshments

22 Guidelines for a Good Meeting Advance planning Start and stop the meeting on time Follow the order of business Have well-prepared and organized committee reports Involve all members in some way Provide entertainment or refreshments

23 Raps of the Gavel & their Purposes One rap Everyone should be seated Two raps The meeting is called to order Three raps Everyone should stand up

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