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Spreadsheet Questions 1 Write your answers on paper or type them in Word. Number from 1-16 or turn on automatic numbering.

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Presentation on theme: "Spreadsheet Questions 1 Write your answers on paper or type them in Word. Number from 1-16 or turn on automatic numbering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spreadsheet Questions 1 Write your answers on paper or type them in Word. Number from 1-16 or turn on automatic numbering.

2 1. Do columns or rows run horizontally ? 2

3 2. What is the Active cell? 3

4 3. Which of these is the cell reference: B:5 B5 B/5 4

5 4. How were the category headings aligned: Left, Right, or Center? 5

6 5. Labels are ______ & _______ are numbers 6

7 6. What type of number format was used on the data: General, Percent, or Currency? 7

8 7. What do we call the mathematical equations you performed in Excel? 8

9 8. What type of chart compares a piece of data to the whole: Column, Line, or Pie 9

10 9. Use the spreadsheet to solve the following equation: (B7 - B8)/5 10

11 10. What kind of chart is this? 11

12 11. What does a chart Legend show? 12

13 12. Which column controlled the sort (which column is in order)? 13

14 13. What chart shows data changes over time: Column, Line, or Pie 14

15 14. How many cities had more than 350 in sales for the 3 rd quarter? 15

16 15. Look at the Profit column. Is this data sorted in Ascending or Descending order? 16

17 16. Determine what formula was used to get each of the answers on Row 10 (yellow shading). 17

18 Here are the answers. 18

19 19 run horizontally

20 2. The Active cell is the current cell you are in 20

21 3. B5 is a cell reference 21

22 4. The Category Headers are Centered 22

23 5. Labels = Words Values = Numbers 23

24 The $ = Currency 24 6.

25 7. M athematical equations are called Formulas 25

26 8. Pie Charts 26 compare a piece of data to a whole

27 9.9. 27 (B7 - B8)/5 = 5

28 10. This is a Column chart 28

29 11. A Legend explains what the colors on the chart represent 29

30 12. Column B/Jan controlled the sort 30

31 13. Line Charts show data changes over time 31

32 14. 3 cities had more than 350 in sales for the 3 rd quarter 32

33 15. Descending sort 33 High To Low

34 MaxAverageCountSum 16. 34

35 Make sure your name is on your answer page and turn your answers in to me! 35

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