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Temperate Grasslands By: Paul Kiernan. Climate and Prescipitaton.

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1 Temperate Grasslands By: Paul Kiernan

2 Climate and Prescipitaton

3 Types of Grasslands Tall Grass G Usually Humid and very wet. G Contains more trees than short grass Grasslands G Either tropical, sub- tropical, or close to a major river or lake, making the grass longer and more lush looking. Tall Grass G Usually Humid and very wet. G Contains more trees than short grass Grasslands G Either tropical, sub- tropical, or close to a major river or lake, making the grass longer and more lush looking. Short Grass G Dry G Hotter Summers, Colder Winter than tall grass Grasslands G Farther away from the ocean, making the grass shorter and more brown color.

4 Abiotic Factors Soil G Soil is too thin to grow dry trees. G Drought and Fire prevent trees from growing. G Soil is too thin to grow dry trees. G Drought and Fire prevent trees from growing.

5 Abiotic Factors Proximity to water G Grasslands are usually in the middle of a continent, so usually have small lakes or rivers running through them. G Most Grasslands are dry because they aren’t close enough to the ocean to receive moisture. G Their determination between Short and Long grass Grasslands depends on the position on the Earth, or if they are near a major lake or river. G Grasslands are usually in the middle of a continent, so usually have small lakes or rivers running through them. G Most Grasslands are dry because they aren’t close enough to the ocean to receive moisture. G Their determination between Short and Long grass Grasslands depends on the position on the Earth, or if they are near a major lake or river.

6 Plant Life G Usually only grass, very few trees can grow because of the thin soil. G Usually have flowers like Sunflowers, Blazing Stars, Coneflowers, and shrubs and weeds like Crazy Weed, Asters, Buffalo Grass, Clovers. Other flowers are Golden Rods and Wild Indigos. G Trees that grow there are usually burnt down when a wildfire comes, but the grass keeps growing because it grows from the ground. G Usually only grass, very few trees can grow because of the thin soil. G Usually have flowers like Sunflowers, Blazing Stars, Coneflowers, and shrubs and weeds like Crazy Weed, Asters, Buffalo Grass, Clovers. Other flowers are Golden Rods and Wild Indigos. G Trees that grow there are usually burnt down when a wildfire comes, but the grass keeps growing because it grows from the ground.

7 Animal Life G Predators G Coyotes G Snakes G Lions7 G Wolves G Predators G Coyotes G Snakes G Lions7 G Wolves G Herbavores G Bison G Gazelle G Wild Horses G Birds Meadowlark Eagle Bluebird Blackbirds

8 Location on the Earth G Grasslands aren’t located on a specific continent. G There is no specific latitude of longitude where Temperate or Tropical Grasslands form. G They are usually in the middle of a continent, not relatively close to a big body of water. G Grasslands aren’t located on a specific continent. G There is no specific latitude of longitude where Temperate or Tropical Grasslands form. G They are usually in the middle of a continent, not relatively close to a big body of water.

9 Human Impacts Positive G We help re-grow this fire proof grass, preventing fires from traveling fast. Positive G We help re-grow this fire proof grass, preventing fires from traveling fast. Negative G We introduce too many new species. G We try to grow plants and crops that normally can’t grow ther. G We mine oil, which contaminates the grass around the mining drill.

10 Resources G d/topic/586559/temperate-grassland d/topic/586559/temperate-grassland G mperate-grassland-biome G d/topic/586559/temperate-grassland d/topic/586559/temperate-grassland G mperate-grassland-biome



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