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PIG DOG - The Journey ELT gapped past version adapted from an original story at: by Anthony Roland © 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "PIG DOG - The Journey ELT gapped past version adapted from an original story at: by Anthony Roland © 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIG DOG - The Journey ELT gapped past version adapted from an original story at: by Anthony Roland © 2012

2 PIG DOG's adventure b_____ on the 14th July 2012.

3 He s__ on his favourite tree stump. It w__ his fourth birthday.

4 He l___ his home on the stump and s__ off through the forest. As he t________, the sun s____ and birds s___ in the trees.

5 As he t_______, PIG DOG l_____ to balance on tree branches.

6 After some practice, he w__ a___ to float over fern leaves.

7 He c____ also travel over bigger leaves as well.

8 After a long time travelling, he t___ a break on the cool ground. He s____ for 10 minutes and then 20 and then 30 and when he w___ up it w__ morning time again.

9 The next day, PIG DOG a__ some giant fungus balls. They m___ him so happy. Then he c_______ his journey.

10 Finally, he f____ a way out of the forest!

11 He s__ a place called Shrewsbury on it and d______ to go there. First he b_____ a map and h__ a good look at it.

12 She d____ him to the town centre and then l___ him there to do what he wanted. A kind woman g___ him a lift to Shrewsbury. She p__ him in the window so he c____ look out.

13 PIG DOG f___ excited but confused. He s____ some time walking around. The town w__ big. There w___ many bridges.

14 He k___ it w__ dangerous being so high up but he liked the feeling. He s____ on the railings and looked down. Fish s___ in the river below.

15 He w__ very thirsty now. In the forest he d____ rain water but in the town he simply w___ to the shop. Life here w__ very different.

16 PIG DOG r___ a sign. It s___ 'PUB. FOOD ALL DAY'. So he w___ in. Inside the pub he m__ Mr. Diamond Geezer.

17 Mr. Diamond Geezer g__ PIG DOG a drink from the bar. It tasted strange and PIG DOG b_____ quite dizzy.

18 Then PIG DOG f___ ill and r__ to the toilet but f____ himself face to face with danger!

19 He k___ silent but then Tin Bird s____. "Are you a friend of Mr. Diamond Geezer," he a____. PIG DOG t______ quickly. "Oh yes!", he r______.

20 After finishing in the toilet, PIG DOG w___ out and s___ the door behind him but suddenly... WAMM-BAMM! He w__ face to face with Dead Thing. PIG DOG h___ his breath.

21 "I'm from France," Dead Thing t___ PIG DOG. Dead Thing s____ in English so PIG DOG u________ him. "That's really cool," r_____ PIG DOG and they r_______ to the bar.

22 The four new friends h___ out and c______ together. Happy times! PIG DOG h____ lots of their stories and Dead Thing t_____ everyone a little bit of French.

23 The evening c___ to an end and soon PIG DOG w___ back on the street. He n_____ a quicker form of transport because walking w__ too slow.

24 He w___ to see a man who s___ Magic Nana Boots but they c___ too much money.

25 So he c____ to buy his own set of wheels instead.

26 PIG DOG p___ for his new car then d____ around Shrewsbury.

27 It b___ them backwards and forwards. He s____ his head out of the window and l__ the wind blow against his ears.

28 Suddenly he s__ something on the rode and h__ the brakes. It w__ goldl!!!

29 He g__ out of the car to have a closer look. It w__ definitely gold which m____ that he might be rich. PIG DOG needed money but he didn't know what exactly to do next so he r___ Mr. Diamond Geezer.

30 Mr. Diamond Geezer t___ PIG DOG about the Three Wise Penguins. So he t____ the gold in the back of the car and w___ to see them. The Three Wise Penguins s___ PIG DOG to Bling Cat who loved gold.

31 Bling Cat w___ a bell around his neck - and earrings and other jewels l__ at his feet. PIG DOG s_____ him the gold. "Hey Bling Cat, how much will you give me for this?" a____ PIG DOG.

32 After 4 days of negotiations, they c___ to an agreement of £900.

33 It w__ a fair price that m____ nobody w__ and nobody l___ either. PIG DOG h__ his money in the front of his car and l___.

34 He l___ Mr. Diamond Geezer £15 and u___ £175 to get a room. He r_____ a place with a great view from the window. He s__ in the window and t______ about his old life in the forest. Then he f___ asleep and d_____ about the forest.

35 In his dream, he b_______ on the plants again.

36 He looked up at the trees which g___ very very tall.

37 He d_____ about his parents.

38 It b____ his heart to think they might be missing him.

39 In his dream, he b______ them to the town in his new car.

40 He s_____ them his new life and they v______ art galleries.

41 When PIG DOG w___ up, his head h___ so he w___ for a run around town. Humans b____ many strange objects and w____ lots of strange messages too.

42 There w___ no leaves or branches but he c____ practise his balancing skills on the new objects. He r__ along this handrail. It w__ a lot of fun.

43 As he j_____ from one object to another, he f_____ about his sad dream.

44 He d__ some balancing on some very thin objects too.

45 And he c_____ his breath in this small urban cave. It w__ a cosy cave but there w__ some sharp metal too and he c__ his foot on it - Ow!

46 Then PIG DOG s__ a poster. It a_________ 'The Weeble Balancing Dance Troop'. He w___ and p___ them a visit.

47 He t_____ to Elder Weeble. He a____ her how Weebles c____ balance with such a round bottom.

48 Elder Weeble l______. "My dear, Weebles wobble but they don't fall down." "See for yourself. Look!"

49 Balancing with the Weebles w__ fun. It definitely b___ balancing on his own.

50 PIG DOG f_____ to control his happiness as the Weebles r_____ over one difficult object to another.

51 He w__ so happy that the colours of a thousand rainbows mixed together and d___ fantastic shapes and patterns in his mind. His body s______ to feel funny and his head b____ to spin. PIG DOG b_____ very very dizzy. Then everything w___ dark as he e______ dream world...

52 Suddenly PIG DOG f____ himself face to face with Big Blue.

53 Big Blue's massive eye s___ PIG DOG into a trance. His big mouth l_____ very inviting so PIG DOG g__ inside.

54 This is just what Big Blue w_____. "YUMMY YUMMY!" he t_____ as he b__ into PIG DOG's soft body.

55 For a long time nothing h_______.

56 Then, up in the sky there w__ something.

57 It w__ yellow. It w__ red. It w__ PINK!!!

58 It w__ PIG DOG!!!

59 PIG DOG w__ back and he f___ over Shrewsbury.

60 When he w__ in Big Blue's belly he s___ a plane and t_____ himself how to operate the pedals.

61 PIG DOG w__ back to continue the rest of his adventure. THE END for now...

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