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Digital storytelling “You remember best what you feel the most” Roger Schank [2002]

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Presentation on theme: "Digital storytelling “You remember best what you feel the most” Roger Schank [2002]"— Presentation transcript:

1 digital storytelling “You remember best what you feel the most” Roger Schank [2002]

2 The plan for the day… Introduction Why? How? Examples Approaches Preparation Tools Collaborations Hands-on Sharing Evaluation

3 What is a good story? Experience Emotional response Values Touches people A story that you enjoy retelling

4 Can you share a story? I enjoy sharing stories about….  My father  My naughty days in primary school  Hi-jinks as a bank officer  Ending up in hospital  Historic sagas…

5 Where to seek inspiration

6 Your family







13 Your pets








21 Around you



















40 The Arrival by Shaun Tan








48 Flickr Creative Commons

49 Attribution: Anthony Kelly

50 Attribution: John Steven Fernandez

51 Attribution: Fady Habib

52 Attribution:

53 Attribution: Jeremy Barwick

54 Attribution:Lexie

55 Attribution:Erich Ferdinand

56 Within you

57 Attribution:Erich Ferdinand











68 The basic mechanics Theme Plot Characters Structure Setting

69 What do you need? Passion Imagination Interest Experience Places you have been Places you wish to see People you want to be

70 What can ignite the story? An influential person A turning point in your life A decision making point Loss Joy Grief Happiness It lays in wait between thought and expression

71 Where can your story go? Forwards in time Backwards in time To places that we know To places that we don’t To another time To another dimension Through a world of juxtaposition Through a place of transposition

72 Why digital? If a story can be shared via traditional methods then why bother with a digital approach? The key is to ensure that the digital strategy provides an avenue of expression and interaction not possible with the traditional approach.

73 Why digital? The technology needs to make a difference It allows students an alternative avenue of expression Digital can afford students who find expression difficult whether it be due to motor or sensory factors an alternative outlet for their thoughts

74 What should you do before? Rough out a storyboard Make a plan Gather your digital resources:  Photographs  Images  Audio  Video

75 What should you do before? Rough out a storyboard Make a plan Gather your digital resources:  Photographs  Images  Audio  Video

76 What should you do before? Rough out a storyboard Make a plan Gather your digital resources:  Photographs  Images  Audio  Video

77 What should you do before? Rough out a storyboard Make a plan Gather your digital resources:  Photographs  Images  Audio  Video

78 Choose a tool Which output do you prefer:  Graphic story: Comic Life  Hypertext story: Wiki  Neverending story: Blog  Two minute movie: Movimaker, Photostory or iMovie  Photographic story: Voicethread  Oral history: Audacity, Posterous  Collaborative story: Wiki, Voicethread, Blog

79 Teaching & learning & technology Approaches  Curriculum mapping ~ matrices  Short sharp units or topics  or  Semester length studies  Collaborations

80 Simple curriculum matrix ExamplesLectureField TripExaminationTechnology Knowledge Skill Attitude

81 Why tap into Web 2.0? Publishing growth is extraordinary Need to tackle the exponential growth in information Be a part of this growth in data and knowledge and not be separate or apart Time to contribute Collaboration is happening on local, national, regional and global scales

82 Why tap into Web 2.0? Impact on the workplace Empowerment Communication Personal experience Learning simply does not happen inside four brick walls Innovation is prized Creativity is valued Horizon Report 2009

83 Teaching & learning & technology How can students learn & benefit?  Understanding through piecing together the pieces of a newly discovered jigsaw puzzle  Collaboration, decision making and critical thinking  Taking ownership and exercising responsibility

84 Teaching & learning & technology Teacher led and student run Using technology that is…  Friendly  Forgiving  Fun Keep it simple

85 Steps to take… A topic that captures your imagination and passion A tool that clicks for you and with which you feel comfortable A simple straightforward integration and implementation path A sane time of the year

86 Blogs and learning Encourages students to write Students will write even when they do not need to Reach out to world Feedback from peers, teachers and the world (possibly) Some students do not participate Some students will not participate

87 Blogs and learning Students link up with the writings of others Collaborative blogs Students realise that their peers can read their work ~ motivating Progress reports Project diaries Field reports Personal Interest Projects (PIP)

88 Blogs and learning Different approaches  Single teacher blog ~ simple  Single class blog ~ questions, PBL  Small group blogs ~ manageable  Individual student blogs ~ challenging to manage The blogs can be monitored in a “news reader” and via email




92 Management Teacher Blog ~ starting point ~ know your way around  You are in total control

93 Wikis Software that allows multiple editors of web page content Collaborative writing Communities ~ private WYSIWYG editors Security may be an issue yet to date students and others seemingly adopt a responsible approach to created content

94 Wikis Writing Publishing Collaboration Mind mapping Critical thinking Language learning Shared information repository

95 Video and audio… Take that storyboard and…  Mix it up  Turn it around  Send it backwards  Repeat that step  Start at the end  End at the start  Mix up the soundtrack

96 Podcasting and vodcasting A technology that allows users to easily publish audio and video material The content is pushed out to users of the net who only need to subscribe once to the podcast or vodcast It is media publishing for the masses The files can be accessed on an ipod or any similar media player

97 Podcasting and vodcasting Inspire the student body:  Audio interviews  Audio portfolio reflections  Journalism styled tasks  Storytelling  Oral history  Oral reports  Field reports Place the students in charge of media creation

98 Flickr

99 Compfight ~ Flickr search tool

100 Creative Commons

101 Twitter

102 Posterous Simply the best place to begin blogging

103 Posterous Excellent place to start Blog via email Autopost: Publish to Flickr, Twitter, and another blog via a single email Create a podcast by emailing a mp3 file Privacy

104 How can teachers benefit? They can be part of a conversation with their peers ~ anywhere and anytime Professional development ~ virtual profesional development An opportunity for skilling ~ both intended and unintended An opportunity for reflection

105 How can teachers benefit? Stretching ~ reaching beyond their comfort zone Affirmation They are not alone Students will perceive them in a different light

106 How can teachers benefit? These technologies provide chances to:  Pause  Question  Answer These technologies allow teachers opportunities to publish, share and assist others Develop communities of practice Sense of achievement “I did that”

107 How can students benefit? Conversations with their peers and teachers Question, answer, commentary, reflection, feedback From their peers Reflect on their learning and progress Cater to different talents  Writing  Speaking  Visualising  Performance  Photography  Communication

108 How can students benefit? Provides opportunities for:  Team work ~ locally and remotely  Collaboration Sense of achievement

109 How can students benefit? An additional approach for current teaching and learning practises It can be a break from the schooliness of schools ~ Clay Burell

110 How can students benefit? Augment their current online presence whether it be Facebook, MySpace, Pixnet or others Introduce students to more mature mmodes of online publishing More mature in terms of technology, content and visual expression

111 What are some of the challenges? Institutional inertia Infrastructure New scholarship versus old Need to take advantages of new technologies ~ eg the Connectivism Course Expectations of students and others re mobile devices Assessment Creating meaningful content Conflicting perceptions of technology

112 Thank you

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