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The Magic Moment That morning you woke up and, according to your teenager, sometime during the night, you became the stupidest person on Earth?

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Presentation on theme: "The Magic Moment That morning you woke up and, according to your teenager, sometime during the night, you became the stupidest person on Earth?"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Magic Moment That morning you woke up and, according to your teenager, sometime during the night, you became the stupidest person on Earth?

3 Agenda Background Personal Capacity Defined Why It’s Important Recognizing the 7 Levels of Energetic Response Tricks You CAN Try at Home Q & A

4 What is Personal Capacity?

5 We are living in EXPONENTIAL times!

6 “College Dropout Rate Called National Crisis in Recent Study" 46% of those who enter a U.S. college fail to graduate within six years Nearly 1/4 of college students dropout before receiving a degree The American Dream 2.0 report was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The report has been endorsed by state lawmakers, college presidents, civil rights leaders, and business leaders.

7 School Systems are NOT to Blame Academic preparation is not the culprit… emotional and attitudinal preparation is!

8 Grand Contradiction Parents are willing to invest mightily in developing their student’s personal capability… “to get into a good school” …but invest little in developing their personal capacity… “to keep them in that good school”

9 “It’s our attitude, not our aptitude, that determines our altitude.” - Zig Ziglar


11 Personality vs Attitude DescriptionPersonalityAttitude Frequency of ChangeLow FrequencyHigh Frequency Variation RangeLow VarianceHigh Variance Impact on “in the moment” decision making LowHigh Impact on engagement level Low/ModerateHigh Impact on energetic commitment Low/ModerateHigh

12 Catabolism Anabolism

13 Understanding Your ARL See how you respond to life under normal circumstances and under stress as individuals and as a team Type 3-6 Visionary with innate manifestation abilities Seldom use them Feel like they are never living to their potential Visionary with innate manifestation abilities Seldom use them Feel like they are never living to their potential Run and hide under stress Avoids confrontation at all cost Run and hide under stress Avoids confrontation at all cost

14 Goal Setting Using AIM S.M.A.R.T. goal setting to set a direction, set expectations and agree on metrics. In other words introduce the real world early and often.

15 Like Attitude Attracts Like Attitude

16 The Outcome

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