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Alfred Thayer Mahan Queen Liliuokalani Yellow Journalism U.S.S. Maine Platt Amendment Insular Cases, 1901 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 1903 Roosevelt Corollary,

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Presentation on theme: "Alfred Thayer Mahan Queen Liliuokalani Yellow Journalism U.S.S. Maine Platt Amendment Insular Cases, 1901 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 1903 Roosevelt Corollary,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Alfred Thayer Mahan Queen Liliuokalani Yellow Journalism U.S.S. Maine Platt Amendment Insular Cases, 1901 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 1903 Roosevelt Corollary, 1904 Dollar Diplomacy Pancho Villa’s Raid, 1916 Progressive Era Social Gospel Muckrakers Florence Kelly Square Deal Northern Securities Company, 1904 Pure Food & Drug Act, 1906 Meat Inspection Act, 1906 Underwood Tariff, 1913 Federal Reserve Act, 1913 Clayton Antitrust Act, 1914 Federal Trade Commission, 1914 Palmer Raids, 1919-20 Sacco & Vanzetti, 1927 National Origins Act, 1924 Charles Lindbergh, 1927 The Jazz Singer, 1927 New Nationalism New Freedom KKK, 1925 Scopes Trial Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bracero Program, 1942 Stimson Doctrine, 1932 Good Neighbor Policy Neutrality Acts, 1935-39 Lend-Lease Act, 1940 Atlantic Charter, 1941 Manhattan Project, 1942 D-Day, 1944 Yalta Conference, 1945 Rosie the Riveter A.Philip Randolph Japanese Internment, 1942 Zoot Suit Riots, 1943 Sonar Mary McLeod Bethune Margaret Sanger American Expeditionary Force Fourteen Points, 1918 Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Espionage Act of 1917 Sedition Act of 1918 Schenck v. USA, 1919 Scopes Trial Harlem Renaissance W.E.B. Dubois Jazz/ Jelly Roll Morton/Louis Armstrong Ashcan School Edward Hopper Smoot-Hawley Tariff Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1932 Bonus March, 1932 New Deal, 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, 1933 FDIC, 1933 SEC, 1934 Wagner Act, 1935 Social Security Act, 1935 Court-Packing Plan, 1937 Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1938 Huey Long Charles Coughlin Mexican Repatriation, 1929-39

3 Alfred Thayer Mahan Queen Liliuokalani Yellow Journalism U.S.S. Maine Platt Amendment Insular Cases, 1901 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 1903 Roosevelt Corollary, 1904 Dollar Diplomacy Pancho Villa’s Raid, 1916 Progressive Era Social Gospel Muckrakers Florence Kelly Square Deal Northern Securities Company, 1904 Pure Food & Drug Act, 1906 Meat Inspection Act, 1906 Underwood Tariff, 1913 Federal Reserve Act, 1913 Clayton Antitrust Act, 1914 Federal Trade Commission, 1914 Palmer Raids, 1919-20 Sacco & Vanzetti, 1927 National Origins Act, 1924 Charles Lindbergh, 1927 The Jazz Singer, 1927 New Nationalism New Freedom KKK, 1925 Scopes Trial Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bracero Program, 1942 Stimson Doctrine, 1932 Good Neighbor Policy Neutrality Acts, 1935-39 Lend-Lease Act, 1940 Atlantic Charter, 1941 Manhattan Project, 1942 D-Day, 1944 Yalta Conference, 1945 Rosie the Riveter A.Philip Randolph Japanese Internment, 1942 Zoot Suit Riots, 1943 Sonar Mary McLeod Bethune Margaret Sanger American Expeditionary Force Fourteen Points, 1918 Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Espionage Act of 1917 Sedition Act of 1918 Schenck v. USA, 1919 Scopes Trial Harlem Renaissance W.E.B. Dubois Jazz/ Jelly Roll Morton/Louis Armstrong Ashcan School Edward Hopper Smoot-Hawley Tariff Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1932 Bonus March, 1932 New Deal, 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, 1933 FDIC, 1933 SEC, 1934 Wagner Act, 1935 Social Security Act, 1935 Court-Packing Plan, 1937 Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1938 Huey Long Charles Coughlin Mexican Repatriation, 1929-39

4 1.___ Smoot-Hawley Tariff, 1930 2.___ Queen Liliuokalani 3.___ U.S.S. Maine 4.___ Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 1903 5.___ Dollar Diplomacy 6.___ Pancho Villa’s Raid 7.___ Florence Kelly 8.___ Northern Securities Company, 1904 9.___ Underwood Tariff, 1913 10. __Federal Reserve Act, 1913 11.__ American Expeditionary Force 12.__ Treaty of Versailles 13.__Sedition Act, 1918 14.__ Espionage Act, 1917 15.__ National Origins Act, 1924 16.__ Charles Lindbergh 17.__ Scopes Trial 18.__ KKK, 1925 March 19.__ The Jazz Singer, 1927 20.__ The Birth of A Nation 21.__ New Nationalism 22.__ New Freedom 23.__ Clayton Antitrust Act, 1914

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