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Nucleic Acids. Bio-molecules are compounds composed of repeating units of their building blocks i.e. monomers. There are four major classes of bio- molecules.

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Presentation on theme: "Nucleic Acids. Bio-molecules are compounds composed of repeating units of their building blocks i.e. monomers. There are four major classes of bio- molecules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nucleic Acids

2 Bio-molecules are compounds composed of repeating units of their building blocks i.e. monomers. There are four major classes of bio- molecules found in the cells and tissues, among them include; lipids, polysaccharide, proteins and nucleic acids.

3 Nucleic acids are high molecular compounds composed of mono-nucleotides linked to chains by 3`, 5` phosphodiester linkages. Nucleic acids are of 2 types: 1. DNA (the building blocks of DNA are deoxyribonucleotides). 2. RNA (the building blocks of RNA are ribonucleotides).

4 Nucleotides are compounds consisting of a nucleoside combined with a phosphate group and forming the basic constituent (building blocks) of DNA and RNA. In other word, nucleotides are made up of a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar (a five carbon sugar) and a phosphate group. The nucleotides are of 2 types: 1. Ribonucleotide, which contain ribose. 2. Deoxyribonucleotide, which contain 2` deoxyribose.

5 Nucleosides are compounds consisting of nitrogenous bases (purine or pyrimidine) linked to pentose sugar usually ribose or deoxyribose by N-glycosidic linkages. The nucleosides are N-glycosides in which the sugar C1 atom is linked to the N9 of purine, or to the N1 of pyrimidine. There are 2 different types of nucleosides: 1. deoxyribonucleosides containing 2- deoxyribose and 2. ribonucleosides containing ribose.

6 Pentose sugar Structure of nucleotides

7 N-bases nitrogenous bases of nucleic acids are of 2 types:  Purine bases.  Pyrimidine bases. Major purine bases are Adinine (A), and Guanine (G). Major pyrimidine bases are Cytosine (C), Uracil (U) and Thymine (T). DNA contains: A, G, C and T. Whereas RNA contains A, G, C and U

8 GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS CONCENTRATIO N  Varies depending upon the functional state of the cells. Ex. spermatozoa: DNA 60%, muscle cells: DNA 0.2%. DNA is present in high conc. where there is high protein synthesis on dry matter basis.

9 LOCATION  DNA  Prokaryotes: DNA located in the special region of the cytoplasm, nucleoid or bound to the bacterial membrane. A small position of DNA is located in plasmids.  Eukaryotes: DNA is distributed between the nucleus 97-99% (where it forms part of chromosomes and nucleolus) and extra nuclear organelles (mitochondria).

10  RNA Distributed uniformly over the cell. Hence distribution indicates that function is more dynamic & extensive. Molecular mass DNA, Varies with biological complexity at the cell. RNA less than DNA

11 Structure and Level of Organization of Nucleic Acid Structure and Level of Organization of Nucleic Acid Nucleic acids posses' primary, secondary and tertiary levels of organization. DNA because of it is high molecular mass posses all the 3 regular structures, whereas RNA does not exhibit regular 1, 2, 3 structures.

12 Primary structure Of DNA & RNA is a linear polynucleotide chain made up of mononucleotides, linked together by 3`, 5`phosphodiester linkages. The buildup of both DNA & RNA primary structures follows the same principle. I.e. each pentose 3`-OH group of MNP is linked covalently to pentose 5`-OH group of the neighboring, MNP. Hence the name derived as 3`, 5` phosphdiester linkage.

13 Linear chains of DNA & RNA, hence have 2 ends called as 3` (3 prime) and the 5` (5 prime) end. The 5` end always containing phosphate group (NTP) and 3` end, contain a hydroxyl group (OH group). Thus the chains are polar and directed either 5`  3` or 3`  5`. The genetic text of DNA composed of code words called codons, or code triplets, which are linear sequences of 3 adjacent nucleotides. The sites of DNA chain containing information on the primary structure of RNA(s) are refer as Structural Genes. The ordering of nucleotides in RNA is the same as in the DNA region i.e. being replicated.


15 Secondary and Tertiary structures of DNA Chargaff (1949) established a number of important relationships concerning the contents of individual bases in DNA these relationships help us in classifying the sec. structure of DNA.

16 Chargaff Rule 1.Total number of purine (A+G) is equal to total number of pyrimidine (C+T). I.e. A + G / C + T = 1 2. A = T or A/T = 1. 3.G = C or G/C =1. 4. The numbers of (A + T) and (G + C) are only variables, i.e. A + T ± G + C. ■ If (A + T) > (G + C) then DNA is referred as (AT- type). ■ If (G + C) > (A + T) then DNA is referred as (GC- type).


18 Characterization of DNA double helix The DNA double helix is formed via a special paring of a base of one polypeptide chain with a base of the other polypeptide chain, A with T, and G with C. The first pairing through 2-H bonds and the second pairing through 3-H bonding. i.e. A = T, C = G. Such a much correspondence is called as complimentary. Due to their complementary, the two chains run opposite to one another, i.e. antiparallel. One in 5`  3`, the other in 3`  5` direction..

19 DNA secondary structure

20 The sugar-POA is directed outwards, where as base pairing protrudes into the interior of the helix. One full turn of helix contains 10 nucleotides. In native chromosomal DNA, the double helix deviates from the perfect pattern in the chain regions referred as Palindrome. In palindromes the ordering of nucleotides along the chain from right to left and from left to right is the same (repetitive, non informative segments). for example 5' A C C T A G G T 3' 3' T G G A T C C A 5'

21 Tertiary structure of DNA (super coiling) Twisted double helical structure in space is known as tertiary structure.

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