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Men’s Health Dr Alan Wright. Men’s Health Men don’t visit the doctor.

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Presentation on theme: "Men’s Health Dr Alan Wright. Men’s Health Men don’t visit the doctor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Men’s Health Dr Alan Wright

2 Men’s Health Men don’t visit the doctor

3 Men’s Health Men don’t visit the doctor Or do they?

4 The Beach Study “In April 2013 to March 2014 about 85% of the population had one or more Medicare-paid GP service (personal communication, Department of Health [DoH], August 2014) and an average of 6.8 services each (5.8 GP visits per head of population). Medicare paid rebates for about 133.4 million GP service items3 – 2.57 million GP– patient encounters per week.” AFP Volume 44, No.6, 2015 Pages 411-414

5 MATeS Study Described the prevalence of self-reported reproductive health disorders among middle aged and older Australian men. 34% of respondents reported one or more reproductive health problems The Lancet Vol 366 16 July 2005, 218-224

6 MATeS Study Attendance on GP in past 12 months All Ages:88% 40 - 49:81% 50 - 59:87% 60 - 69:91% >= 70:98%

7 So What’s Killing Men? Common beliefs:  You’re all going to die from prostate cancer!!  You’re all going to die from Diabetes!!  You’re all going to die from Bowel Cancer!!

8 So What’s Killing Men? Common beliefs:  You’re all going to die from prostate cancer!!  You’re all going to die from Diabetes!!  You’re all going to die from Bowel Cancer!! Or are you?

9 Causes of Death AIHW 2012

10 Causes of Death by Age

11 Men’s Health So what can You do about it?

12 Men’s Health So what can You do about it?  Assess Your Risk Factors.

13 Men’s Health So what can You do about it? 1. Assess Your Risk Factors. 2. Address Your Risk Factors.

14 Men’s Health Smoking Nutrition Alcohol Physical Activity

15 Smoking Just Stop There are many ways to give up smoking. Try them until you find one that works.

16 Nutrition MEDITERRANEAN DIET ↓ Calories ↓ Meat ↑ Fish and poultry Olive oil Nuts Shai R D, NEJM 2008


18 Alcohol Safe limits for Men: 3 Standard drinks per day up to 15 standard drinks per week. At least 2 alcohol free days per week. No more than 5 standard drinks at any one sitting.

19 Physical Exercise Find 30 minutes 5 times a week. Finding 60 minutes is better. Over 50 years of age, walking is good, so is swimming. Don’t “bust a gut” or hurt yourself. Enjoy it.

20 Speak to your doctor

21 Men’s Health Visit your GP at least annually for a check up to find the things you can’t. Ask For: Heart Check Lung Check. Diabetes Check Bowel Check Prostate Check.


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