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Module One Clothes Unit Two Shirts, Dresses, and Trousers.

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2 Module One Clothes Unit Two Shirts, Dresses, and Trousers

3 l o u s el o u s e h i r th i r t r e s sr e s s b s d

4 o a to a t c a c k e t j

5 T -- shirt Blue skirt ¥ 112 ¥ 58

6 madam

7 sir

8 trousers shirtsdresses

9 Shirts £ 40 £ 13 ¥ 180 ¥ 45

10 Money pounds 10 yuan 5

11 Black dress Red and white dress Green dress £ 95 £ 80 ¥ 256

12 blouses Green blouse £ 38 ¥ 90 White blouse

13 Red trousers White trousers Black trousers £ 15 ¥ 115 ¥ 103

14 two pairs of rousers t a pair of e a n s j socks Sport shoes shoes shorts

15 How much are the trousers? They are eighty pounds.

16 How much are the blouses? They are seventeen pounds.

17 How much are the shorts and the socks? They are sixty—four pounds. £ 64

18 A: 1 help you 2 shirt 2 is it 1 twenty-nine yuan 2 take it

19 B: 1 for you 2 the socks 2 are they 1 ten pounds 2 take them

20 1 (Who, Whose) shirt is this? 2 That’s the (woman, woman’s) skirt. 3 Are the trousers? (Who, Whose) 4 They’re the (boy, boy’s) socks.

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