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Redefining ageing A perspective Presented to 3Bridges Connection Workshop Sally Evans 29 th October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Redefining ageing A perspective Presented to 3Bridges Connection Workshop Sally Evans 29 th October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Redefining ageing A perspective Presented to 3Bridges Connection Workshop Sally Evans 29 th October 2015

2 We began with the customer: human-centred design In-depth, in-home interviews provided the major input for developing the insights and solutions that people want for their retirement.

3 A word from a customer Photo of Gary 3 | Gary, 71 Drug and alcohol counsellor, nursery owner Australians are living longer But we’re still retiring younger The majority of Australians have left the workforce by 65 We may not be as healthy as we think we’ll be when we get older Our future health may affect our ability to work Female participation in the workforce is increasing New Zealand assesses itself as healthier than Australia does The opportunity to work past the age of 60 varies by industry and by education level Today, for every retired Australian there are around five people working and paying taxes; by 2050 that number will drop to just over two and a half working people for every person who’s retired Video

4 “To me the definition of retirement is being in a financially secure position that you can decide whether you want to work full-time, part-time or not at all. It doesn’t mean not having a job. I think the popular or traditional definition is that you stop work and put your feet up – that definition should be cast aside.” 4

5 5 Image of Julie Julie 78 years old Video

6 6 Health and wealth are two sides of the same coin. Without your health, you have nothing.

7 “Talking about retirement gave me questions I hadn’t thought about before or perhaps I didn’t want to think about. Those questions that you have in the back of your mind and you think no, I have got a long time to think about and deal with that ” 7

8 Retirement in Australia is changing. It is no longer a point in time defined by age.

9 In Summary…. Work, Health and Finance …… …….. helps people to live the life in retirement they want

10 Thank you

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