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AM Assembly Things Appointed Acts 17: 30-31 PM Assembly Murmuring Numb. 16: 1-3.

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Presentation on theme: "AM Assembly Things Appointed Acts 17: 30-31 PM Assembly Murmuring Numb. 16: 1-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 AM Assembly Things Appointed Acts 17: 30-31 PM Assembly Murmuring Numb. 16: 1-3

2 MURMURING Numbers 16:1-3

3 Korah’s Rebellion Numbers 16:11 “grumbling” Things that led to public confrontation “took action” (v.1) “rose up before Moses” (v.2) “assembled together” (v.3) Called Korah’s rebellion (v.32; Jude 11)

4 What Murmuring Is Strong’s Concordance (#1112) “a grumbling; grudging; murmuring” Thayer’s Lexicon “a secret debate; secret displeasure not openly avowed” Vine’s Dictionary “a) the sense of debate among people b) of displeasure or complaining (more privately than in public)”

5 What Murmuring Is Examples In Scripture John 7:12-13 “grumbling” 1 Peter 4:9 “complaint” 2 Corinthians 9:7 “grudgingly” Jude 16 “grumblers” 1 Corinthians 10:10-13 A command Look to Israelite example (Numb. 16) God does not approve of murmuring. Take heed that we do not fall. Temptation (v.13)

6 Murmuring Is The Wrong Way Matthew 5:23-24 GO – be reconciled Matthew 18:15-18 GO & SHOW GO & SHOW again, with witnesses Tell it to the church 1 Timothy 5:19 Receive = to accept, to not reject

7 Consequences Of Murmuring Galatians 5:19-20 Strife – a quarrel, wrangling (1 Tim. 6:3-5) Factions – a choice; a part or disunion Dissensions – disunion, i.e. dissension Disputes – intrigue, (by implication) faction Galatians 5:21 Romans 16:17 Divisions = disunion, same as Dissensions above

8 Those Who Listened To Korah Also Died They were drawn into sin through his murmuring We can be drawn into error in a similar way

9 Murmuring – The Facts A grumbling, grudging, secret displeasure not openly avowed A method used by false teachers to gain support The wrong way to handle things Has disastrous results We must not murmur

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