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 Our biggest student exchange  Erasmus (EU), Japan and South Korea may be open to your programmes, but AMEX is open to almost all – 45 students last.

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Presentation on theme: " Our biggest student exchange  Erasmus (EU), Japan and South Korea may be open to your programmes, but AMEX is open to almost all – 45 students last."— Presentation transcript:


2  Our biggest student exchange  Erasmus (EU), Japan and South Korea may be open to your programmes, but AMEX is open to almost all – 45 students last time and can take more  Only a few SH programmes where not possible because of accreditation – all Social Work, Law (SH and CHP), and Journalism (SH)

3  University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire  University of Southern Maine  Georgia College State University  University of Southern Oregon  Alfred University, New York  Montana State University Billings  Westminster College, Missouri  Shenandoah University, Virginia  Lander University, South Carolina  Eastern Illinois University, Illinois

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5  There are locations that are the “best fit” for specific programmes and therefore will be the first choice  There are locations where normally only students from specific programmes go  Some subjects can go to any location  But your choice – if you have one - should not be based on location

6 1) Semester 1 of your Yr2 – September 2016 - for most programmes; for some in Yr3 - BA Accounting 2) Semester 2 – January 2017, normally only for:  For ITE / Lander  For Sport / Eastern Illinois IU  For Archaeology / U Wisconsin Eau Claire

7  Study in the US university system, taking classes alongside American (and international) students  Live in a different culture, immerse yourself in a different way of life  Meet new people, make friends, stand out from the crowd

8  Choose classes from the US university’s catalogue  Must be “fit” with your degree and at the right level (year) – normally 300/0  Must be approved by your Programme Leader/s  Classes will be different, the assessments will be more frequent (“little and often”)  You get graded in America – and we adjust the grades down to match our marking scheme

9  Classes may be early or late in the day  Attendance regulations may be strict  Assessments will almost certainly be “little and often (including things like weekly quizzes to test reading) and they will be graded differently  Probably sharing a dorm room  No alcohol under 21 allowed  And you can be away from home for 16 weeks

10  A positive experience, both academically and personally  Good for your independence, self- reliance and self-confidence  Will improve your employability  An experience you will cherish for the rest of your life

11  Perhaps £2500-£3000 beyond cost at home  You still pay our annual Tuition Fee – it is an “exchange”  You pay for the US visa ($340 USD)  Your flight (£700 approx)  You pay the US university for housing, meals, etc.  We provide full insurance, but some institutions may insist you also purchase their Medical Insurance  Other expenses – academic and personal – will vary depending on your lifestyle  See the chart in the Handbook

12  Proof that you have sufficient funds for your visa application will be required by your US university – they are the Sponsor  Each university asks for a different sum  Can include your Student Loan and other people’s funds if they guarantee you  You have to prove this – for instance via authorised bank statements – in order to be granted your visa  Exclusions for criminal records, etc  Requires a short interview at US Embassy

13  If your “household income” is £25k or under, you will get automatic support from the University – approx £600  Check your status with Student Finance England/Wales  If you are eligible, you can also get travel support from SFE/SFW  Winchester will make a discretionary payment of £300 to all students taking part who have a household income under £42k pa

14  You can apply to Winchester Housing as early as May 2016 to secure a place in University housing on your return  Or seek private housing on return  We do not recommend you pay rent while you are away – you may have to make a choice  Classes for your other semester are selected as normal

15  Fill out and submit the Application Form (on the Registry Intranet page and on the LN) by deadline Jan 19, 2016  Form requires approval from your Programme Leader/s  An interview will be required

16  If your application and interview are successful, there is a process to follow:  Application to US university  Application for visa  Selection of classes at the US university  We run Pre-Departure sessions in S2 to assist you  Once selected, you must complete all of your modules in Yr1 to a good standard – if you fail the year, you are not going

17  Read the AMEX Handbook carefully  Check the Intranet page, webpages or LN for details of the Universities  Discuss it with family and friends  Consider the costs carefully  Talk to your Programme Leader/s  Submit your application  Get in touch if problems –

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