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Heavy Traffic How The BC Integrated Land Management Bureau Used Open Source to Deploy Government-Strength GeoWeb Services Michael Ross GeoWeb Arrghitect.

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Presentation on theme: "Heavy Traffic How The BC Integrated Land Management Bureau Used Open Source to Deploy Government-Strength GeoWeb Services Michael Ross GeoWeb Arrghitect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heavy Traffic How The BC Integrated Land Management Bureau Used Open Source to Deploy Government-Strength GeoWeb Services Michael Ross GeoWeb Arrghitect Integrated Land Management Bureau Province of British Columbia FOSS4G 2007 Victoria, BC September 2007

2 1:7 000 000 Base Map

3 TRIM 1:20 000 Base Map

4 OGC Catalogue Service v1.0

5 Integrated Cadastral Fabric WMS

6 DIS Imagery WarehouseLand and Resource Data Warehouse Client Tier MapServer WMS Airphoto Index Base Cadastre Forest Vegetation Wildlife Management Terrestrial Ecology Water Management ArcSDE Oracle Database Web Browser IMF application (e.g.,iMapBC, BMOS, CoinPacific, Mapster, NFIS) GeoWeb Services Architecture Aug 1, 2007 GeoServer WFS LRDW Feature Service* Earth Resources Image Web Server WMS Orthophoto Imagery Satellite Imagery JP2/ECW images *internal use only OGC Web Service Tier Data Tier OGC-compliant Mapping Tool ArcMap, Google Earth, GAIA, JUMP Apache Web Server Web Server Tier ArcIMS with OGC WMS Connector Base and Forest Veg

7 In The Beginning (2002)  There Was An Interoperability Problem  Warehouse designed to support internal clients  External clients needed online access to TRIM, Forest Cover, and Imagery(CFS, DFO Pacific, public)  CGDI To The Rescue  Used ArcIMS 4 OGC Connector  Single WMS serving TRIM and imagery  2,000 hits per month

8 Gearing Up Source 1. Software Evaluation for DIM, Final Report v1.1; BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management; September, 2003; Performance Test p.2.8  Imagery Server Evaluation

9 Gearing Up  How Many Eyes Looking at MapServer/SDE or GeoServer/SDE?  None  Initial Evaluation  Poor Performance  No SDE 9 support  Enhanced MapServer/GeoServer  Connection pooling  SDE 9 support

10 Gearing Up Source 1. Land Information BC Open Infrastructure WMS Final Test Results, BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, 2005 WMS Re-evaluation  MapServer  ArcIMS

11 Cruisin'  MapServer/GeoServer In Production  Stable  Good Performance  Easy to administrate  Supports complex styles and SLD's  Good support both locally and globally

12 Cruisin'




16 Bumps Along The Way Source Performance Comparison: ArcSDE Joins in MapServer vs. ArcIMS, BC Ministry of Environment, 2007 ➢ Added support for SDE Joins in MapServer ➢ Discovered performance problem in ArcIMS X

17 Bumps Along The Way Mt Seymour @ 1: 60 000 Scale Before Scale Range Adjustment Mt Seymour @ 1: 60 000 Scale After Scale Range Adjustment

18 Bumps Along The Way AfterBefore Annotation Orientation Problem

19 Bumps Along The Way ArcSDE Patch Failure Oracle ArcSDE db2 PostGIS Shape MapServer/ GeoServer Cross-dbms support gave us elbow room

20 Bumps Along The Way

21 The Road Ahead 200 WMS layers defined, 1,000 to go WFS access Transactional WFS Support Gazetteer Service GeoWeb Processing Services Plotting Service 3D Stereo Service

22 Links  Natural Resource Information Centre  http://www.nric.ca  GeoConnections Discovery Portal 

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