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Figurative Language Unit. Lesson 1 Introduction to Figures of Speech.

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Presentation on theme: "Figurative Language Unit. Lesson 1 Introduction to Figures of Speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figurative Language Unit

2 Lesson 1 Introduction to Figures of Speech

3 Walk-Away “I will explore figures of speech within context.”

4 Language Walk-Away “I will describe the meaning of figurative language phrases.”

5 Figure of Speech or Figurative Language The form of a single word or phrase. It can be a special repetition, arrangement or omission of words with literal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words.

6 Child, you’re going to eat me out of house and home. O This does not mean the child is actually going to eat the house. O It means that the child eats a ton, and it costs a lot a money.

7 Busy as a bee. O This does not mean that you are literally a bee. O It means you are a very busy person, just like a bee is a very busy insect.

8 From the story “Eleven”

9 We will have to play things by ear. O This does not really have anything to do with ears. O It just means that we can’t make any plans and we just have to see what happens.

10 Figures of speech O Similes O Metaphors O Onomatopoeias O Puns O Personification

11 Lesson 2 Similes

12 Walk-aways “I will interpret the meaning of similes within context.”

13 Language Walk-away “I will write similes in appropriate context.”

14 Similes Two unlike things compared using the words “like” or “as.”

15 As snug as a bug in a rug. You are tucked in nice and snug in your bed and you are very happy there like a bug in a rug would be.

16 Happy as a Clam You are very happy and content with what is going on.

17 Graphic Organizer Timer

18 Lesson 3 Metaphors

19 Walk-away “I will interpret the meaning of metaphors within context.”

20 Language Walk-away “I will write metaphors within appropriate context.”

21 Metaphor A comparison of two unlike objects, thoughts, or feelings to provide description, not using “like” or “as.”

22 Life is a rollercoaster. Life can be super crazy, you can have good times or ups, and you can have bad times or downs.

23 My kid’s room is a pig pen. The kid’s room is super, super dirty.

24 Similes vs. Metaphors

25 My School’s a Zoo FiWY

26 Lesson 4 Onomatopoeias

27 Walk-aways “I will interpret onomatopoeias within context.”

28 Language Walk-aways “I will write onomatopoeias within appropriate context.”

29 Onomatopoeias The formation of a word from a sound associated with what it is named.


31 Batman Episode


33 Partners Period 1-2 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

34 Partners Period 3-4 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

35 Partners Period 5-6 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

36 Lesson 5 Puns

37 Walk-away “I will interpret the meaning of puns within context.”

38 Language Walk-away “I will act out puns and explain how they are used in context”

39 Puns A deliberate confusion of similar words or phrases for rhetorical effect, whether humorous or serious.

40 The leopard was so good at guessing. Every time he was spot on.

41 A bike cannot stand on its own because it is two tired.

42 Groups 1-2 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

43 Groups 3-4 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

44 Groups 5-6 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

45 Skit Example

46 Lesson 6 Personification

47 Walk-away “I will interpret the meaning of personification within context.”

48 Language Walk-away “I will write personification within appropriate context.”

49 Personification The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.

50 The stars dance playfully in the moonlit sky.

51 My Life With the Wave

52 Partners 1-2 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

53 Partners 3-4 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

54 Partner 5-6 Students names were posted here but have been removed for privacy purposes.

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