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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTED BY ERIN DERR 2014-15 FEDERAL PROGRAMS CONSOLIDATED MONITORING 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERVIEW OF FEDERAL PROGRAMS MONITORING Current Priority/Focus list will remain in place for 3 years. 14-15 Monitoring cycle will include All districts with at least one Priority school (Title I, Title II, Title III monitoring will not be repeated) The other half of the districts with at least 1 Focus school (but no Priority schools) and will be monitored for Title I, Title II, Title III) All other schools will be placed on a 4-year cycle and will be monitored for Title I, Title II, Title III for the 14-15 school year and beyond. 2

3 PURPOSE OF CONSOLIDATED PROGRAM REVIEW Ensure compliance with federal laws and regulations Avoid audit exceptions NOT a review of the quality of the Title I program, yet….. 3

4 LEA RESPONSIBILITIES Complete the online Fed Monitor instrument at least 2 weeks prior to the site visit Collect documentation for monitor review Monitor will only review current year information Contact parents for parent involvement interviews Ask at least 5 parents to participate No more than 1 employed at the LEA Coordinate their visit time/place with the monitor 4

5 AFTER THE SITE VISIT Monitor completes instrument on Fedmonitor, ensuring all boxes are checked & comments added where appropriate. Monitor locks document when completed. This triggers an email to DFP. LEAs may go back into the instrument to review comments, etc. by the monitor. If LEA disagrees with a finding, contact the monitor. 5

6 AFTER THE SITE VISIT (CONT.) Monitor Reports are then reviewed by Regional Coordinators in DFP If LEA has no citations & all programs are in compliance… LEA receives a letter from DFP letter states the review/visit was successful and LEA’s federal programs are in compliance with Federal Law 6

7 AFTER THE SITE VISIT (CONT.) If LEA does have citations and all programs are not in compliance… LEA receives a letter from DFP that states which program(s) are not in compliance with Federal Law & provides a “Corrective Action Plan” for LEA to follow. LEA is provided a due date for CA to be received in DFP. Once CA has been completed, LEA receives an “In Compliance” letter. Monitors may not revisit the schools. 7

8 PREPARING FOR THE VISITS Work with the Lead Monitor to prepare the schedule. Try to assign buildings within the same geographic area to monitors. Make sure all online documentation has been completed Consolidated application and funding adjustment/amendment Online monitoring instrument Gather and organize all documentation 8

9 ONLINE CONSOLIDATED REVIEW INSTRUMENT Link to access Fedmonitor web site: Reminder: All requirements responded to with “Not Met” or “N/A” require a comment. When selecting “Met,” must check off the suggested evidence. 9

10 SPRING/SUMMER OF PREVIOUS YEAR Equity Plan – prepare or update Maintain agenda and sign-in sheets for Equity meetings Maintain notes on any changes that were made as a result Required by ALL LEAs and Charter Schools Continue 2014-15 nonpublic schools consultation If Inter-district or Third-Party Agreement sign contract for 15-16 prior to the first day of school Prepare for start of 15-16 nonpublic school services Copy of complaint procedures Maintain documentation 10 HANDOUT – EQUITY PLAN GUIDING QUESTIONS

11 SPRING/SUMMER OF PREVIOUS YEAR Distribute Needs Assessment to staff Plan PD Activities for 15-16 based on Needs Assessment Include parents in planning process – sign in sheets & agendas Include strategies to eliminate the achievement gap Maintain copy of results If using Title IIA money for Class Size Reduction Prepare data to show CSR money will be used To lower largest average class size in Priority Schools, or in highest poverty schools 11

12 SPRING/SUMMER OF PREVIOUS YEAR Maintain documentation of poverty data to determine Title I eligibility Free and reduced count Direct Certification numbers – TANF, SNAP Update Schoolwide Plan Must update every year Agenda/sign-in sheets from meetings – parents must be included Notes on changes made 12

13 FALL Maintain documentation of all PD provided by district Agenda Sign-in sheets Time certification forms completed All Federally funded staff MUST complete time certification Partially funded – monthly PARs Fully funded from single cost objective – semi-annually Based in time spent on an activity, not the percentage for funding source 13

14 FALL Right-to-Know teacher qualification letter to parents Evidence of distribution date Translated copy for LEP parents Prepare draft Right-to-Know letter to notify of Non-HQ status of teachers Must have a copy on record If used, keep dated copy Translate for non-English speaking parents 14

15 FALL Hold Title I Parent Meeting maintain agenda/sign-in sheets Discuss How Title I works in the school Student achievement and how parents can monitor it How to work with teachers to improve student achievement Update district and school parent involvement policies Must be updated annually with parent input Maintain agendas & sign in sheets School policy must be aligned to the district but unique to the schools Charter schools must have both Document method of distribution 15

16 FALL Update student-parent compact With parent input – agendas & sign in sheets document method of distribution Parent Resource Center Not a requirement to have one Must notify parents it exists During staff in-service training work on how to communicate and build ties with parents Maintain agenda/sign-in sheets 16

17 FALL Principal Attestation forms on file in all Title I buildings PDE form 425 Report Staff and Student Data to PIMS Due October Submit Comparability Report to DFP Due November 17

18 WINTER LEAs notified of upcoming consolidated review (January) Letter from DFP with monitor information and Fedmonitor log in & password Update Consolidated Application Funding Adjustment/Amendment Make sure nonpublic assurances are based on latest funding amounts Update business office with latest building allocations 18

19 SPRING Hold Spring Title I Parent Meeting Only 1 Annual Title I parent meeting required Materials and Training to help parents improve child’s achievement (e.g. literacy or technology) Distribute parent surveys to gauge effectiveness of Title I program Collate results and maintain Agenda and sign-up sheets 19

20 SPRING Create Transition Plan for 2015-16 Required for ALL schools Head Start Program and other Pre-school Programs Transfer of records Holding joint meetings for parents with preschool teachers Meeting with parents to discuss needs of particular students Maintain Meeting agenda and sign-in sheets Training materials Evaluation forms Calendar of events 20

21 SPRING Targeted Assistance building Work with Business Office to prepare statements of building allocations and building level expenditures Invoices Schoolwide building Work with Business Office to prepare statement of federal and non-federal building-level expenditures for past two years. Equipment Inventory Physical inventory done within past 2 years Include “Small and Attractive” items 21

22 SPRING Parent Involvement activities If Title I allocation exceeds $500,000 Building-level Parent Involvement expenditures If less than 95% of Parent Involvement funding was spent at the building level, meeting minutes showing parents agreed 22

23 REAP If your LEA receives Rural and Low Income Schools funding: Prepare statement of allocations and expenditures Include copies of invoices and purchase orders 23

24 1 MONTH BEFORE SITE VISIT PIMS system Collect Teacher Qualifications Report Collect Low Income data report Prepare list of instructional paraprofessionals and their HQ status Paid in whole or in part with Title I funds Working in a Schoolwide school 24

25 1 MONTH BEFORE SITE VISIT Quarterly reports for federal programs Two latest Single Audit Reports (federal programs only) Waiver approval letters Carry-over - more than 15% from Title I Ed-Flex Schoolwide waiver for schools less than 40% poverty Addendums for Inter-district Agreements Schoolwide Plan 25

26 1 MONTH PRIOR Program Approval letter showing date district was allowed to start spending funds Previous years (6) federal program records location Prepare monitoring visit schedule Complete monitoring online instrument through Fed Monitor using login and password assigned Line up parents, principal, business manager, etc for date of site visit 26

27 10.Annual Title I meeting; Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals; Parent Right-to-Know letters (5 LEAs) Title I annual meeting - to discuss the Title I program with Title I parents For compliance only need one meeting annually Sign in sheets and agendas Instructional paraprofessionals are HQT In TA all Title I paid must be HQT In SWP all instructional paras must be HQT Show list of qualifications Right-to-Know teacher qualification letter to parents Evidence of distribution date Right-to-know Non-HQT letter to parents Must have a copy even though letter was not sent If sent, must have a dated letter 27 TOP 10 MONITORING FINDINGS 2013-14

28 TOP 10 MONITOR FINDINGS, CONT. 9.Parent-School Compacts updated annually and distributed to parents (6 LEAs) School-parent compact – updated annually with parent input & distributed Sign in sheets & agendas 8.Parent involvement assessment (parent surveys) (6 LEAs) Distribute surveys to parents to assess the Title I program Must have a copy of the surveys and the results 28

29 TOP 10 MONITOR FINDINGS, CONT. 7.Coordination of parent involvement programs with public preschools, early childhood programs, Head Start, etc. to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children and parents have participated in the development of a Transition Plan (6 LEAs) Transition Plan – ALL schools 6.Schools’ Parent Involvement Policy updated annually and distributed to parents (7 LEAs) School PI policy – updated annually with parent input & distributed Must be aligned with the LEA but unique to the school Sign in sheets & agendas 29

30 TOP 10 MONITOR FINDINGS, CONT. 5.Instructional staff, with parent assistance, have been educated in the value and utility of the contributions of parents, how to reach out to and communicated with parents as equal partners and implement and coordinate parent programs that build ties between parents and schools (8 LEAs) Value and utility of parent contributions How to reach out to and communicate with parents How to work with parents as equal partners How to implement and coordinate parent programs 4.LEA Parent Involvement Policy updated annually and distributed to parents (8 LEAs) Sign in sheets & agendas Copy of the LEA PI policy Methods of distribution 30

31 TOP 10 MONITOR FINDINGS, CONT. 3.Equitable distribution of experienced (more than 3 years) and Highly Qualified teachers between and within the district’s schools to ensure that low-income and minority children are not taught at a higher rate by inexperienced and/or out-of-field teachers (Equity Plans) (9 LEAs) See document 2.Parents are involved in the planning of staff Professional Development activities (10 LEAs) Sign in sheets & agends Can be done through surveys Must have a parent on your needs assessment team 31

32 TOP 10 MONITOR FINDINGS, CONT. 1.All core content teachers in ALL district schools are Highly Qualified (certified in area in which they are teaching) (11LEAs) All core content teachers – language arts, math, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history and geography – must be highly qualified Use PIMS report to show evidence If all teachers are not HQT, must show plan as to how they will become HQT 32

33 DESK AUDIT No on site visit with a monitor. Do to the high level of monitoring, more LEAs will be assigned a desk audit. This will be indicated in your monitoring letter. LEA responsible for uploading required documents. Documentation does not need to uploaded for all questions, ONLY when upload files button appears: 33 HANDOUT – FOR INSTRUCTIONS


35 DFP CONTACTS FOR MONITORING INFORMATION: Karen Trissler 717-787-7278 Kelly Iorfida 717-783-6543 Erin Derr 717-787-7815 35


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