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PET 489 Student Teaching Seminar College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences 2012 Fall Semester.

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Presentation on theme: "PET 489 Student Teaching Seminar College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences 2012 Fall Semester."— Presentation transcript:

1 PET 489 Student Teaching Seminar College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences 2012 Fall Semester

2  To introduce you to the job interview context  To provide you with practical tips for performing effectively in a job interview  To get you started on your mock job interview assignment


4  Get Organized  Teaching philosophy  Cover letter/resume  Reference list  College transcripts & teaching credentials  Teaching portfolio  Methods of Job Search  Career services  School directories  Newsletters  Job fairs/conferences  Display notices  Newspapers/journals  Internet websites  Alumni/networking  Student teaching  Cold-calling

5  Record Keeping  Contact information  Copies of materials sent  Copies of applications  Responses received  Dates of interview  Interview notes  Names & dates of thank-you notes/follow-up letters  Following-up  Follow-up phone calls  Thank you notes!!!  Update information with West Virginia University

6  Determine Your Beliefs  Communicate!!!  Pizzazz in Paperwork  Respect the Process  Attitude is Everything  Do Your Homework  Make References Easy  Dress for Success  Look in Right Places  Be Good Role Model

7  Research employer  Know the position  Self-reflection  Update your resume  Prepare portfolio  Practice, practice  Your questions?  Getting there on time  Dress for success


9  Business suits  Dress shirts  Ties  Shoes  Socks & hosiery  Personal hygiene  Accessories

10  Schools are by nature very conservative places  If you have to ask whether or not it is appropriate to wear a particular outfit… DON’T WEAR IT!!!




14  Greeting  Introduction  Employer questions  Closed-ended questions  Open-ended questions  Behavioral based questions  Your questions  Closing  Follow-up? Timeline for decision?

15  Mock job interview evaluation  Mock job interview video  Practice using evaluation form  Strength  Limitation  Suggestions

16  Used to verify information from job application and resume  Asked early in the job interview – easy to respond  Can help put the candidate at ease – most interviewers will want you to be successful

17  Used to learn more about your personal qualities – enthusiasm, communication skills, knowledge, enjoyment of children  Anticipate the following questions  Tell me a little bit more about yourself?  Strengths and weaknesses?  Teaching philosophy?  Curricular models and teaching methods used?  Why should I hire you?

18  Why did you decide to become a teacher?  If I were your principal and we were setting goals for next year, what would they be?  How do you encourage students to learn?  What is the role of the principal in a school?  If you could create the ideal school, what would it look like?  How do you establish authority or discipline in the classroom?  See pages 18-19 in your text for additional sample administrator interview questions

19  Used to determine how you responded to specific situations – past performance is the best indicator of future performance  Use PAR or SAR technique when responding to behavioral-based questions  Problem or situation  Actions taken  Results ▪ What did you learn from that situation? ▪ How would you handle a similar situation in the future?  See the Behavioral-based Interview Questions handout for sample questions

20 Questions should compliment your research about the employer Write questions ahead of time Avoid inappropriate questions!!! See the Interviewing Issues handout for sample questions Administrative issues Curriculum & instruction issues Continuing education issues Performance assessment Extracurricular expectations

21  What is the student/teacher ratio in your district?  What procedures are followed and used for discipline problems?  Are parents involved in school activities and what do they typically expect of teachers?  What are students like who attend this school?  How does administration support teacher improvement?  Does the district support attendance at special seminars or summer programs?  See page 22 in your text for additional sample teacher candidate interview questions

22  What is an illegal question?  Race  Religion  Gender  Sexual preference  Height/weight  Age  Arrest/conviction records  National origin/citizenship  Military record  Disability  Financial status  Pregnancy/childbirth  How should I respond if asked an illegal question?  You can answer the question  You can refuse to answer the question  You can respond based on the intent behind the question

23  Exit completely  Write a thank you note – What made you feel good about the interview?  What questions do you still have?  Critique your own performance  Follow-up as needed

24 Good social skills Eye contact, hand shake, personable, nervous habits Professional appearance Proper business attire Ability to communicate Appropriate rate of speech Clear explanations Complete responses to difficult questions Thoughtful questions from candidate Overall impression of competence Planning, managing, teaching, assessing Caring for children Commitment to student learning

25  Your mock job interviews will be schedule by individual appointment  Mock job interview is worth 25 points  Application materials  Professional appearance  Interest and enthusiasm  Relaxed and confident  Eye contact  Complete answers  Quality of speaking  Skills, abilities, and experience  Ask appropriate questions  Overall assessment  Evaluation criteria  Unsatisfactory  Needs improvement  Satisfactory  Very good  Excellent

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