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Business Lunch Etiquette by Darcy Cole, Colby Manley, and Trey Morgan Labette County.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Lunch Etiquette by Darcy Cole, Colby Manley, and Trey Morgan Labette County."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Lunch Etiquette by Darcy Cole, Colby Manley, and Trey Morgan Labette County


3 Purpose of Presentation  Lunch Interview Etiquette  Preparation  Attire  Greeting  Ordering  Eating  Conclusion

4 Preparation  Check location  Check menu  Current events

5 Interview Preparation  Research the company  Interview questions onsanswers/a/interviewquest.htm interview/interview-questions/100-potential- interview-questions/article.aspx - business/article.aspx?articleid=ATL_0082INTERV IEWQUESTIONS

6 Attire  Wear a Suit or Skirt  Blouses and shirts  Shoes & Socks  Cologne/Perfume and Accessories

7 Greeting  Arrive early  Shake hands  Avoid professional title

8 Ordering  Water or tea to drink  Price of entrée  Easy to eat  Be polite to servers

9 Napkin Procedure  When you arrive  When excusing yourself  When leaving

10 Food Arrival  Ignore wrong orders  Wait until everyone has their food  Bread

11 Eating  DO NOT talk with your mouth full  Cut no more than two bites of food at one time  Doggie bag  Dessert

12 Table Setting

13 Leaving  Don’t glance at watch  Tab  Conclusion  Send a thank you note

14 Situations to Avoid  Don’t rush or be rushed.  Don’t slurp when drinking.  Don’t bad mouth anyone.  Don’t talk with your hands.  Don’t pick your teeth.  Don’t use your phone.  Don’t discuss private and intimate matters.

15 References All images obtained from Dining etiquette information obtained through the following websites: careers/2010/04/21/25-tips-for-acing-the-lunch-interview careers/2010/04/21/25-tips-for-acing-the-lunch-interview preparation/food-for-thought-on-lunch-interviews-hot-jobs/article.aspx Statistics about first impressions taken from: Impression/ Impression/

16 Any Questions?

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