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GILMAN “Black Bodies, White Bodies”. Representation ideological, relying on stereotypes (conventions based on class, race, gender, ways of seeing that.

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Presentation on theme: "GILMAN “Black Bodies, White Bodies”. Representation ideological, relying on stereotypes (conventions based on class, race, gender, ways of seeing that."— Presentation transcript:

1 GILMAN “Black Bodies, White Bodies”

2 Representation ideological, relying on stereotypes (conventions based on class, race, gender, ways of seeing that are invisible, unexamined and naturalized) Observers and producers of images—both shaped by history Icons: representing a whole class/category; all visual representation uses icons

3 Science and Art Aesthetic and scientific spheres—synchronic existence; overlapping and intertwined conventions of representation Subjective vs objective “specimens” Anatomical studies of Cuvier; travellers; writers and artists (painters); popular engravers

4 Hottentot Venus Icon of the Hottentot Venus/icon of the prostitute Essence of the black woman; absolute difference/sexualized woman; reduced to her sexual parts Evidence of racial difference (inferiority): as different from the European as the orangutan; sign of the primitive Havelock Ellis (1905): scale of beauty Inherent biological difference

5 Historicising the black figure Presence of black figure—meant to sexualize; mark the presence of illicit sexual activity (18 th c) 19 th c: similarity b/w white and black female figures (black figures domesticated to represent female sexuality in general) Icon of deviant sexuality Disappearance of the black female in modernity

6 Black figures/prostitutes/primitives Pathological vs normal in scientific discourse Source of pollution (cf. sewers of Paris) Illness of society/the diseased prostitute Children of alcoholics Concern with the prostitute’s physical features (plump/fat; lazy); signs at the lower end of the scale of beauty

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