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Pervasive Computing an Disability: designing for independence? Pam Briggs PaCTLab, Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST

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Presentation on theme: "Pervasive Computing an Disability: designing for independence? Pam Briggs PaCTLab, Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pervasive Computing an Disability: designing for independence? Pam Briggs PaCTLab, Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST p.briggs@northumbria. Linda Little PaCTLab, Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST uk PETRA'09, June 09-13, 2009, Corfu, Greece

2 Outline Introduction Method Result and Analysis Disscusion

3 Introduction The seamless exchange of information might increase life’s complexities and challenges, especially for those people with disabilities

4 Introduction Many designers ignore the context in which disabled people operate

5 Introduction focus on accessibility alone is not sufficient when trying to understand the opportunities and barriers pervasive technologies create for the disabled.

6 Method Generate specific scenarios capable of communicating something about near future information exchanges in different ubicomp contexts

7 Method These included descriptions of devices, contexts of use, type of service and category of information transmitted.

8 Method Scenarios: 1.Health 2.Shopping

9 Method Participants: 1.Participants had either a visual or auditory impairment. 2.There were 3 men and 11 women ranging in age from 18 to 70+ years.

10 Method Procedure: 1.Watching short videotaped scenarios showing people using ubiquitous systems and contribute to informal discussions. 2.Record the discussion for further analysis. 3.Helping the moderator if the discussion deviated from the proposed topic.

11 Result and Analysis General issue

12 Result and Analysis Our disabled participants were keen to emphasise the importance of independence.

13 Result and Analysis Usability  They described difficulties in their interactions with existing technologies and wondered how much more difficult ubiquitous systems might be.

14 Result and Analysis Delegation and trust

15 Discussion Who are the user? What kind of personal information is being shard? How is personal information collected?

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