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Jean-Pierre Rey, Professor HES, Alain Duc, scientific collaborator, Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Jean-Pierre Rey, Professor HES, Alain Duc, scientific collaborator, Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jean-Pierre Rey, Professor HES, Alain Duc, scientific collaborator, Academic TechDays, Geneva, Bern, April 2009

2 Presentation Partners Product Live Mesh Live Mesh in sobees Conclusion JP Rey, A Duc, april 20092

3 Presentation Partners Product Live Mesh Live Mesh in sobees Conclusion JP Rey, A Duc, april 20093

4 University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland ( HES-SO Valais Department of Business Information Systems Institute of Business Information Systems JP Rey, A Duc, april 20094

5 5

6 Start up created in 2007 as a Swiss registered company by François Bochatay and Vincent Rithner located in Lausanne (PSE) Microsoft BizSpark start-up company Collaboration with IIG Two CTI Projects JP Rey, A Duc, april 20096

7 sobees – my social desktop aggregator sobees is the perfect desktop companion for online social networks. sobees offers an easy unified user experience to access, organize and share information from the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Friendfeed, Digg, Flickr and Youtube, directly on the desktop., download it ! JP Rey, A Duc, april 20097

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9 Presentation Partners Product Live Mesh Live Mesh in sobees Conclusion JP Rey, A Duc, april 20099

10 Sync Share Access 10JP Rey, A Duc, april 2009

11 Synchronize files with all devices Access files from any device or from the web Easily share files Get notify of changes Live Desktop And Mesh Bar, News, Remote Desktop, Mac and Mobile JP Rey, A Duc, april 200911

12 Live Mesh Beta Only for file sharing Live Framework CTP SDK (online-offline, feeds, custom classes) Synchronize files, data and applications Files and data sharing Notifications of any activities using feeds JP Rey, A Duc, april 200912

13 April CTP update of Live Framework SDK and Tools The Live Framework is the uniform way for programming Live Services from a variety of platforms, programming languages, applications and devices. JP Rey, A Duc, april 200913

14 Presentation Partners Product Live Mesh Live Mesh in sobees Conclusion JP Rey, A Duc, april 200914

15 Why « Cloud computing » in sobees ? Multiple instances of sobees (at home, at work) Sharing items with the community Online and offline scenarii Why Live Mesh in sobees ? Rely on scalable and efficient synchronization process JP Rey, A Duc, april 200915

16 Mesh Replication: Data Metadata Modules Content Settings Online/offline User A Computer 1 User A Computer 2 User B User C User D

17 Objects Sharing and Sync

18 Mesh Replication: Data Metadata Modules Content Settings Online/offline User A Computer 1 User A Computer 2 User B User C User D

19 Presentation Partners Product Live Mesh Live Mesh in sobees Conclusion JP Rey, A Duc, april 200919

20 Cloud Computing and Information System Software and Services Platform Infrastructure Thank you for your attention ! JP Rey, A Duc, april 200920


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