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Srisuda Ngamkham, PhD., RN.  I would like to thank my advisor: Diana J. Wilkie, PhD, RN, FAAN Professor and Harriet H. Werley Endowed Chair for Nursing.

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Presentation on theme: "Srisuda Ngamkham, PhD., RN.  I would like to thank my advisor: Diana J. Wilkie, PhD, RN, FAAN Professor and Harriet H. Werley Endowed Chair for Nursing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Srisuda Ngamkham, PhD., RN

2  I would like to thank my advisor: Diana J. Wilkie, PhD, RN, FAAN Professor and Harriet H. Werley Endowed Chair for Nursing Research College of Nursing University of Illinois at Chicago

3  Select a journal that you want to publish  Study about:  Objective of the journal  Format of writing in the text  Format of reference

4 Ngamkham, S., Vincent, C., Finnegan, L., Holden, J. E., Wang, Z. J., & Wilkie, D. J. (2011). The McGill Pain Questionnaire as a Multidimensional Measure in People with Cancer: An Integrative Review: Pain Management Nursing, In Press

5  Srisuda Ngamkham, Nusara Prasertsri, & Diana J. Wilkie (2011). Nursing aspects of pain management (Chapter 42). In Pocket Pain Medicine งานวิชาการที่ทำร่วมกับ Yale University

6  Paragraph 1 : What is the problem  1 st sentence: Problem statement  2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th sentences: context of the problem supported by theory and statistics  Final sentence: purpose of the study  Paragraph 2 : What is the study important  Significance of problem  Knowledge to be gained from this study

7  Review about subject, disease, instrument, and factors related to topic.  What is the gap?  End with the study aims –intended to fill the gap

8  Design: study design and IRB approval  Setting: Where you collected data  Subject: include eligible criteria, exclusion criteria and demographic data  Procedure: Who did procedures with patients

9  Describe the analysis plan and the statistics used to address study aims

10  What the tool is? How many items does it have?  What is its reliability?  What is its validity?  How do you score the variables?  How do you score the level?

11  Report study aims or by statistics analysis (univariate, bivariate, and multivariate)

12  1 st paragraph: What is the meaning of the finding. Don’t repeat the findings.  Start with the most important meaning first then indicate each of the other meaning  Next paragraph: discuss the findings in relation to other research findings with similar or contrast findings  End with summary paragraph to give the take home message



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