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Compliance Lessons from Operating SQL Server in Azure SQL DB.

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Presentation on theme: "Compliance Lessons from Operating SQL Server in Azure SQL DB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compliance Lessons from Operating SQL Server in Azure SQL DB

2 Audience How many have been through a Compliance Audit before? How many planning on going through one in the near future?

3 Azure Compliance – Continuous Audits http://azure.microsof us/support/trust- center/services/ ISO 27001/27002 SOC 1/SSAE 16/SAE 3402 and SOC 2 FedRAMP PCI DSS Level 1 United Kingdom G- Cloud HIPAA EU Model Clause Australian Government IRAP Singapore MTCS Standard FBI CJIS (Azure Government) SQL Database

4 Security Plan Review it and update it regularly Security Development Lifecycle Agile and Security Plan? Inventory Audit of inventory, patching of VMs, OS, SQL, etc. virus scanning

5 Access Control Isolate Production Environment Just In Time Access only by humans Multi-Factor Authentication – Azure Active Directory can make this easy Data kept in environment or filtered according agreements. Use RBAC Groups – review regularly Repeatable, signed, scanned builds of applications Audit ACLs, security settings of system

6 Security Auditing Continuous Auditing - offloaded from node ASAP to central repository Data Warehouse, HADOOP Cluster ETC. used to look for anomalous patterns of activity Alert based – volume of events makes regular reviews impractical for us. Many 3rd party products that will do threat detection and centralization of Audits APT's mean we need to look across enterprise

7 Availability AlwaysOn – Allows rapid deployment with continuous availability due to fault zones / upgrade zones. Exercise full failovers – we always discover things. Leverage new clusters as failover test

8 Secrets Centralize and have common reporting on expiring secrets (Certs, Passwords, Cryptographic Keys) Rotate ahead of schedule – if required 90 days before expiration, rotate at 120 days before to allow time to deal with failures. Prioritize Ability to rollback changes – keep keys in escrow EKM allows you to centralize Keys or at least Key Encryption Keys in a HSM or Network HSM for central managements

9 Pen Testing Red Team Blue Team

10 Questions? Your challenges? Certifications lacking? Previous talks?

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