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Middle School Model Selection Kirk Brown and Lissa Gilmore Science and STEM Integration/Innovation San Joaquin County Office of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle School Model Selection Kirk Brown and Lissa Gilmore Science and STEM Integration/Innovation San Joaquin County Office of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle School Model Selection Kirk Brown and Lissa Gilmore Science and STEM Integration/Innovation San Joaquin County Office of Education

2 Goals of Today ’ s Review Develop a process to use to evaluate the Preferred Integrated and Alternative Discipline Specific Middle School Models Middle School: Compare 98  Discipline Specific Model Experience NGSS Laser Jell-O activity Compare Discipline Specific Model  Integrated Look at Subject Specific Flow 5  8 in Integrated Model High School 98  NGSS Comparison 3 Course Model 4 Course Model Appendix K

3 Schedule 8:30-8:45- NGSS Overview (All) 8:45-9:45- 98  Disc Spec Review 10:00-11:00- Laser Jell- O 11:00-11:30-Debrief 11:30-12:00-Team Discussion 12:45-1:30-Disc  Int Compare 1:30-2:15- Pictorial flow of 5  8 Subject Articulation 2:15-2:45- Presentations 3:00-3:30- Team Discussions

4 The NGSS 3 Dimensions Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas (Content)

5 NGSS Science and Engineering Practices 1.Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) 2.Developing and using models 3.Planning and carrying out investigations 4.Analyzing and interpreting data 5.Using mathematics and computational thinking 6.Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) 7.Engaging in argument from evidence 8.Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

6 NGSS Science and Engineering Practices 1.Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) 2.Developing and using models 3.Planning and carrying out investigations 4.Analyzing and interpreting data 5.Using mathematics and computational thinking 6.Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) 7.Engaging in argument from evidence 8.Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

7 Patterns, similarity, and diversity Cause and effect Scale, proportion, and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter Structure and function Stability and change Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts

8 Core/Component Ideas

9 Structure of the NGSS

10 Structure of the NGSS- Engineering

11 Engineering Grade Bands K-2

12 Engineering Grade Bands 3-5

13 Engineering Grade Bands 6-8

14 Engineering Grade Bands 9-12

15 Mapping Prev 98 Standards vs. NGSS Discipline Specific Standards  Tasks:  What are the Old 98 Standards for your subject?  How do the NGSS Disc Specific standards compare?  Cut out your grade level CA 98 State Standards  Cut out the NGSS Performance Expectations at your grade level  Paste them on the Grade Level/Subject Area in a T chart  Compare not Align

16 98  Discipline Specific Place Posters around the room. Gallery Walk – I notice…. – I wonder….


18 PRETHINK – QUICK WRITE - DISCUSSION Draw a picture of light as it strikes a material. Describe what happens when light strikes a material? Share your model with your partner.

19 At Your Table Discuss What are lasers? How do they work? How are they used?

20 Laser Jell-O Play with the lasers and the Jell-O. Shine the light into the different Jell- O and observe the phenomena. With your partner record your observations and your questions in your notebooks. Each table has two sets of materials and one red laser pointer and one green to share. Be careful not to look directly into the Lasers, be careful where the beam is pointed.

21 Laser Jell-O - EXPLORATION What are the fates of the light in each of three colors of Jell-O?

22 Laser Jell-O – CONTENT DEBRIEF What is transmittance? What is refraction? What is reflection? What is absorption?

23 Fates of Light



26 Performance Expectation Addressed MS-LS1-6 Photosynthesis

27 Debrief How is this approach potentially different than previous lessons? Have a elbow partner discussion.

28 Lunch

29 Mapping NGSS Preferred Integrated vs. NGSS Discipline Specific Standards  Tasks:  How do the NGSS Disc Specific standards compare to Integrated?  Cut out your grade NGSS Disc Specific standards  Cut out the NGSS Preferred Integrated standards at your grade level  Paste them on the Grade Level/Subject Area in a T chart  Compare not Align

30 NGSS Disc Specific  NGSS Integrated Place Posters around the room. Gallery Walk – I notice…. – I wonder….

31 Pictorial Flow Across Grades

32 Poster Presentations Gallery Walk – Add Post-it I noticed… I wonder…

33 Team Discussions How will you roll out this learning to your teachers? What process will your teachers/team use to communicate your recommendation to your district administrators? What support do you need?

34 Timelines 2013: Adoption of the CA NGSS 2014: State Implementation Plan Adopted 2014-2016: Science Framework Development; anticipated adoption in September 2016 2015-2017: CST 5, 8, 10 Science Assessment on 1998 CA Science Standards for ESEA* 2015-2016:Development of new CA NGSS-aligned assessment begins to meet ESEA requirements for science assessment 2016-2017:Pilot Test CA NGSS Assessment 2017-2018:Science Instructional Materials – Field Test CA NGSS Assessment 2018-2019:Anticipated operational assessment of CA NGSS

35 Implementation Timeline

36 Questions?

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