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Supplementary Information Analyst Briefing Answers to questions not covered in Results Press Release David Ward General Manager Office of the Chief Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplementary Information Analyst Briefing Answers to questions not covered in Results Press Release David Ward General Manager Office of the Chief Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplementary Information Analyst Briefing Answers to questions not covered in Results Press Release David Ward General Manager Office of the Chief Executive

2 Lending Fee Growth m Strong across all businesses including introduction of new fees in Esanda, Business Bank and Personal, and improved collection practices m Significantly driven by higher volumes Economic Loss Provisioning m Expect economic loss provision charge expressed as a percentage of net lending assets expected to fall gradually over time as risk is reduced

3 Increase in Other Personnel Costs m Principally sales incentives and performance bonuses Return on Risk Adjusted Capital m Not released on a business unit basis but exceed 20% in all divisions except international Cost Savings m Productivity gains ongoing necessity for banks, however we are also seeking to improve the customer experience

4 International Profit - Second Half m UK/Europe and USA benefited from tax credits in first half m Asset quality deterioration impacted Asia Pacific and Middle East earnings m Cost increases in second half, eg award increases in India m Second half better base going forward than first half with income being sacrificed for risk reduction Deductions from Capital m Number of investments, the largest of which was Panin (about $150m)

5 National Housing Bank m Plan to take steps to accelerate resolution Life Insurance AASB 1038 m The Bank already adopts the margin on services profit recognition methodology, so the new standard will not initially impact profit. Options of valuing the full life insurance company are to be reviewed.

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