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A Day in the Life of a Theatre

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1 A Day in the Life of a Theatre
Chapter 5 A Day in the Life of a Theatre

2 Theatre Ensemble A creative collection that includes playwrights, actors, directors, designers, painters, carpenters, drapers, stagehands and electricians…

3 Theatre Ensemble (cont.)
…who join together to create a performance as if it were the product of a single creative mind.

4 A Theatre Ensemble Flow Chart in Detail

5 Administrative Team Producer Artistic Director Literary Manager
Publicity Personnel Box Office Fundraisers Administrative Staff

6 Producer Because money is involved, the producer or producing organization is one of the most powerful positions in the theatre.

7 Artistic Director What prepared me for the artistic director job? Everything and nothing One of the biggest problems I face is when to be pragmatic in solving a problem and when to just insist on the art. Irene Lewis, Artistic director of the Center Stage in Baltimore

8 Creative Team Playwright Director Actors Musical Director
Choreographer Movement Coach Fight Director Vocal Coach Dramaturg

9 Creative Team (cont.) Designers: Sets Lights Sound Costumes Makeup

10 Construction Crews The Technical Director (TD) supervises the construction crews: Painters Carpenters Electricians Stitchers Wigmakers

11 Production Crews Stage Manager and assistants
House Manager (assistants and ushers) Sound board operator Light board operator Running crews (stage, lighting, sound, costume, props)

12 Stage Manager (SM) Duties
Attends pre-rehearsal meetings with director and designers Assists director at auditions Schedules rehearsals During rehearsal takes notes, records blocking and writes up rehearsal reports Creates the prompt book Calls the show Generates detailed performance reports

13 Managing the Stage At the end of the show, when the audience applauds—yes, of course they’re applauding the actors, but they’re also applauding everyone backstage who made the production possible. Alan Hall, Stage manager of the Tony Awards

14 Tools of the Trade Flats Props Legs Teasers Scrims Cyc

15 Lingo The House Prop Check The Call Curtain Greenroom Stage Door

16 Curtain Call When theatre succeeds, it does so because every member of the ensemble understands his or her duties, yet is also allowed to solve problems, express opinions, use the techniques of his or her trade, and be creative.

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