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BETHANN PERRY Purnell Swett High School Theatre Arts Teacher Teaching Excellence Through Theatre!

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2 BETHANN PERRY Purnell Swett High School Theatre Arts Teacher Teaching Excellence Through Theatre!

3 SCENE KID My first theater experience was with PSRC’s Studio One All County Musical in 1995, I was a spot light operator for Little Shop of Horrors; which was performed at the Carolina Civic Center in Lumberton, NC.

4 GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT PEMBROKE – I began a degree in theater in August of 2004 and graduated with my degree on my birthday in May of 2007.

5 MAKEUP DESIGN As a theater major I had to learn different types of technical theater….. Here are some examples of some of the makeup designs I produced.

6 LIGHTING DESIGN These are some photos taken of The Good Doctor lighting design I did as a senior project, performed at the Givens Performance Arts Center in the spring of 2007.

7 SET & PROP DESIGN Here are some of the set & prop designs I have produced for CTAP and UNCP’s Music Department.

8 WORKED AT UNCP IN THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT In November of 2007 I got a job working in the Music Department as the Music Librarian and Technical Assistant to the Spirit of the Carolinas Marching Band. I continued working there until September of 2012. When I began teaching at Fairmont High School.

9 PSRC’S CHILDRENS THEATER ARTS PROGRAM I have been contracted to work with CTAP since 2007 in various capacities: set designer, costume designer, stage manager, and director.

10 THE CAROLINA CIVIC CENTERS KIDS ON STAGE SERIES For four years I directed and designed the Spring Children’s Musical at CCC. Alice in Wonderland, Jr. Mulan, Jr. Into the Woods, Jr. The Little Mermaid, Jr.

11 DRAMA/DANCE TEACHER AT FAIRMONT HIGH SCHOOL – THE FIGHTING TORNADOES I was given the opportunity to teacher at Fairmont High in August of 2012, where I actually graduated high school.

12 WIFE & MOTHER OF FOUR I have a wonderful husband and four amazing kids!

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