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人教课标 高二 选修 7 Unit 2. We have learnt the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”. There are some questions for you to discussion: 1. Do you think Claire loved.

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Presentation on theme: "人教课标 高二 选修 7 Unit 2. We have learnt the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”. There are some questions for you to discussion: 1. Do you think Claire loved."— Presentation transcript:

1 人教课标 高二 选修 7 Unit 2


3 We have learnt the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”. There are some questions for you to discussion: 1. Do you think Claire loved Tony? Why? 2. Do you think what is the purpose of Tony’s actions? 3. Do you think making a robot so much like a man may cause trouble?

4 1. Molly (M) and Kate (K) are discussing the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”. Read the questions and then listen to their conversation.

5 Questions MollyKate 1. Who really likes the story? 2. Who thinks that Claire loved Tony? 3. Who thinks that Tony loved Claire? Then listen to their conversation again. Tick the correct boxes.

6 Questions MollyKate 4. Who thinks that the purpose of Tony’s action was to make Claire feel good about herself? 5. Who thinks taking Tony away must have hurt Claire? 6. Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?

7 Read the questions and then listen again. Answer the questions. 1. What does Kate think the difference between robots and human is? 2. How does Kate think Claire was hurting herself? 3. Why would one of the girls like a robot such as Tony living at her house? 4. What does Kate think the company’s biggest mistake was?

8 1. What does Kate think the difference between robots and human is? 2. How does Kate think Claire was hurting herself? Robots can’t feel emotion of any kind. By seeing herself in a negative way (By her lack of confidence).

9 She likes the idea of a handsome man whose only purpose was to please her. Making the robot look so much like a real man. 3. Why would one of the girls like a robot such as Tony living at her house? 4. What does Kate think the company's biggest mistake was?

10 M: Don’t you think that was a great _____ story, Kate? K: No, not ______! M: You didn’t? Well, I loved it. There was so much ________ between Tony and Claire. Listen again and fill in the blanks. love really emotion

11 K: Molly, that’s ________. Tony was just a _________. Yes, maybe Claire fell in love with him, but I don’t believe _______ can feel emotion of any kind. That’s the __________ between them and us. rubbish machine robots difference

12 M: Well, I ________. I think Tony loved Claire. Remember he said to her that he didn’t want to _____ her the next day, and that he felt more than just the ____ to please her? Then he ______ her. disagree leave wishkissed

13 K: Yes, Molly, but that was just part of Tony’s _____. They made him so he couldn’t allow a human being to be _____. He could see that Claire was hurting herself by her _____ of confidence. So he tried to make her ____ good about herself. It had ______ to do with emotion – that was just how he was ______. role hurt lack nothing feel made

14 M: Yes Kate, but he did hurt Claire. K: How? M: He was so ______ to her that she fell in love with him. So it must have hurt her when he was _______ away. K: True, true. I guess that’s why the company had to ________ him … er … the machine I mean! kind taken rebuild

15 M: Yes, such a _______ really. I’d like a robot like Tony living at my _______. Imagine a handsome man ______ only purpose in life to _______ you. K: Actually, I suppose that was the company’s greatest ________. shame house whose please mistake

16 M: Er? K: They made the robot look so much like a _____ man, so it was bound to cause _______! M: Yes, you’re right. real trouble

17 I think … I suppose … I don’t think … I guess … I wonder … Maybe … I doubt … I believe … I don’t believe … Listen to the tape again and write down the expressions of supposition and belief.

18 A biography of Isaac Asimov

19 艾萨克 · 阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov, ( 1920-1992) , 美籍犹太人,为本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说 家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果 奖和星云终身成就「大师奖」。以他的名 字为号召的「艾西莫夫科幻杂志」,是美 国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。

20 阿西莫夫是一位多产得惊人的作家, 自 50 年代初,至今已出版了 300 多部著 作。

21 I, Robot 《作品 100 》《最新科学指南》

22 For against Discuss his three laws for robots.

23 Glance through the text quickly to find the answers to the questions. Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died? Which paragraph tells you about his education? Which paragraph tells you about awards he received? Para.2 Para.3 Para.5

24 Scan the text for specific information. Try to answer the question. What subject did Asimov teach? When did he start having stories published? How many children did he have? Biochemistry. In 1950. Two.

25 Life 2 January, 1920 -- 6 April, 1992 Place of birth and death He was born in Russia and died in __________. Books he wrote Mystery stories, _________________ books, and books about the Bible and Shakespeare. New York science and history

26 Work he did Worked in his parents’ ______ store. Worked as a(n) ______ chemist at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Became a ___________ teacher at Boston University School of Medicine. Gave up teaching to become a(n) ______________. full-time writer candy junior biochemistry

27 (1) Isaac Asimov’s best known work was his mystery stories. (2) Asimov was born in America on 2 January, 1920. (3) Asimov became a biochemistry teacher in 1949. (4) In 1931 Asimov’s talent for writing became obvious. T T F F science fiction stories. Russia

28 (5) In 1950, he published his first science book. (6) “The Foundation Trilogy” consists of 3 stories about death and rebirth of a great empire in a galaxy of the future. (7) In his collection of short stories, he developed a set of three “laws” for robots. T T F novel and in 1953 his first science book.

29 1. A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured. 2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings. 3. A robot must protect its own existence.


31 He was late as a result of the snow. 由于大雪他迟到了。 He defeated all competitors and won the scholarship as a result. 他击败了所有的竞争者,最终赢得了奖 学金。 1. he died as a result of an HIV infection … as a result of … 由于 …… as a result 结果, 最终

32 1. He worked hard at his study. __________, he passed the exam easily. 2. ____________ his hard work, he passed the exam easily. 3. He ran into debt ____________ drinking too much. As a result As a result of as a result of

33 2. It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious. 该句使用了强调句型 It was... that... 强 调了时间状语从句 when Asimov was eleven years old 。

34 talent n. (1) 天资,天赋;才能 (+ for) He had a talent for music. My sister has a talent for drawing. (2) 天才;有才能的人们 She is a new diving talent. The company makes good use of its talent.

35 3. Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with which he searched for explanations of everything, in the present and the past. 阿西莫夫不仅有着超凡的想象力,使 他能对未来世界进行探索,而且还有 着惊人的智力,使他能对现在和过去 的各种事物作出解释。

36 [ 点拨 ] 该句的主干为 _______________ _________________________________ _____________ 。 that 引导的定语从句 修饰 ___________; with which 引导的 定语从句修饰 _____ 。 in the present and the past 修饰 everything 。 Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing mind imagination mind

37 Compare Asimov’s laws with those written on the piece of paper that the other group gave you. Which set of laws do you think is better? Give reasons. 1. We have known the three laws for robot. Discuss the following questions in groups of four.

38 Which law is the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed” based on? What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimov’s three laws did not exist?

39 2. Imagine it is the future and people have household robots. Discuss what positive or negative effect the situation would be.

40 Positive effects People will be relived from doing household cleaning or cooking. Robots will be able to rebuild and decorate the home and design and do the garden. People will be free to work or enjoy their leisure time. Life will become an endless paradise!

41 Negative effects People will become fat and lazy if they no longer have to take care of their houses or their gardens. There will be many medical problems with people who are overweight or do not do enough exercise. The hospitals will be crowded with lazy and sick people.

42 What is worse, if a robot breaks down, people will no longer have the useful skills of decorating and cooking, therefore, they would find it very difficult to manage their lives. Life will become a doctor’s nightmare!

43 Talk about how the robots can be used in other field.


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