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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, April 1, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, April 1, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, April 1, 2012

2 John 17 The Great High Priestly Prayer of our Lord!

3 John 17:6-19 John 17:18 We have been Commissioned by Jesus Christ for Evangelism.

4 John 17:18, “As You (God the Father) sent Me (God the Son) into the world, I (Jesus) also sent them (the disciples) into the world.”

5 The Commissioning of the Believer by Jesus Christ Every believer is in full-time Christian service.

6 Principles of Personal Evangelism

7 Always remember the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. He makes the gospel understandable to the unbeliever (Common Grace), not you!

8 Just tell them about the “good news”, that Jesus died for their sins and is raised in eternal glory just as they too can be, John 16:8-11.

9 John 16:8, “And He (God the Holy Spirit), at His coming (the Church Age), will convict the world concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment.”

10 John 16:9, “On the one hand, concerning sin (the sin of unbelief), because they (the world), habitually and customarily do not believe in Me.”

11 Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone (John 3:16; Eph 2:8-9), and has nothing to do with giving up something or trying to make others over into the kind of person you want them to be.

12 Rom 4:4-5, “Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due. 5 But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.”

13 No unbeliever accepts the Bible as the Word of God. Therefore, just make the issue clear (i.e., the person of Christ, and not their sins or trying to add something to faith for salvation).

14 “The gospel is the power of God in reference to salvation.” 1 Cor 1:18; Heb 4:12; Eph 6:17

15 Have the attitude of readiness to witness; at any time in a conversation, at any place, to anyone. Rom 1:15

16 Never be ashamed to witness for Christ. Rom 1:16-17

17 Witnessing is the result of spirituality, utilizing the three spiritual skills: F.H.S., the gospel, and execution of the Plan of God.

18 Have Common Sense When Witnessing

19 Have Common Sense When Witnessing a. Stay with the subject of the gospel.

20 Have Common Sense When Witnessing a. Stay with the subject of the gospel. b. Do not try to get an unbeliever to meet any standards.


22 c. Provide doctrinal facts about Christ; keep it simple; use your own language.

23 c. Provide doctrinal facts about Christ; keep it simple; use your own language. d. Make the issue clear.

24 e. Do not add to the gospel.

25 e. Do not add to the gospel. f. Do not try to force a decision.

26 e. Do not add to the gospel. f. Do not try to force a decision. g. Give them privacy to make a decision for Christ.

27 h. Leave the results in the hands of the Holy Spirit.

28 h. Leave the results in the hands of the Holy Spirit. i. Avoid argumentation.

29 h. Leave the results in the hands of the Holy Spirit. i. Avoid argumentation. j. Do not be sidetracked by false issues.

30 h. Leave the results in the hands of the Holy Spirit. i. Avoid argumentation. j. Do not be sidetracked by false issues. k. One on one if possible.

31 Prov 11:30, “The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls.”

32 The analogy to witnessing:

33 a. Have a desire to fish.

34 a. Have a desire to fish. b. Be equipped to fish.

35 a. Have a desire to fish. b. Be equipped to fish. c. Go where the fish are.

36 d. Use the right bait and be flexible.

37 d. Use the right bait and be flexible. e. Fishermen stay out of sight.

38 d. Use the right bait and be flexible. e. Fishermen stay out of sight. f. Be patient.

39 You will be rewarded for witnessing. 1 Cor 3:11-16; Phil 4:1; 1 Thes 2:19

40 Communion

41 Grace Offering

42 Toshiba DR430KU DVD Recorder $100 HD Video Camera $250 TEAC CD-P650 CD and USB Recorder with Remote $150 3 Target DVD/CD Duplicator Built-in 400GB Hard Disk Drive $300 Total - $800 – $1,000 Raised to date ~ $900

43 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, April 1, 2012 Tape # 12-036 We are Commissioned by Jesus for Evangelism Great High Priestly Prayer, Part 85 John 17:18; 16:8-11; Mat 4:19; Rom 4:4-5; Prov 11:30 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2012

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