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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 1 Section 21.1 Responsible Dating Section 21.2 Decisions About.

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1 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 1 Section 21.1 Responsible Dating Section 21.2 Decisions About Marriage Chapter 21 Chapter Dating and Marriage 21

2 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 2 It is beneficial to date different people. Dating has rules and carries responsibilities. Dating relationships can bring out emotions that you must learn to handle and express appropriately. Section 21.1 Responsible Dating

3 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary sexually transmitted infection (STI) crush infatuation jealousy compatible boundaries

4 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 4 Starting a Relationship Going out as a group creates less pressure, especially when teens begin dating. A couples date gives teens a chance to practice relating to a partner one-on-one. Families may have different rules for teen dating and set restrictions.

5 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 5 Responsible Relationships Establish boundaries when staring a new relationship. Personal responsibility involves respect for yourself and others. Communication is an important part of responsible dating. boundaries Limits.

6 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 6 Responsible Relationships Risks of sexual activity include loss of self-respect, unintended pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections. Think ahead and make decisions about sexual feelings before a situation occurs. sexually transmitted infection (STI) Diseases spread through sexual contact.

7 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 7 Responsible Relationships Practice and employ refusal skills, such as stating your position, avoiding mixed messages, keeping your values, and leaving. How can refusal skills be used to fight negative peer pressure?

8 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 8 Emotional Highs and Lows It takes skill to handle your emotions and express them. Teens often develop crushes, usually on someone with whom a real romantic relationship is not possible. crush A temporary romantic attraction, common among teens and young people.

9 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 9 Emotional Highs and Lows Infatuation is one feeling which teens need to learn how to handle. Jealousy is normal at times, but intense jealousy is destructive to a relationship. infatuation An intense, short-lived, and sometimes irrational passion. jealousy The feeling that the person you care about is more interested in something or someone else than in you.

10 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 10 Emotional Highs and Lows Many romantic relationships come to an end. Make a clean break by explaining your reasons for ending a relationship.

11 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 11 Commitment sometimes leads to marriage. Strong marriages are based on caring, respect, and trust. Marriages can fail for many different reasons. Section 21.2 Decisions About Marriage

12 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 12 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary commitment engagement period monogamy annulment prohibit delay

13 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 13 Love and Commitment You may find someone with whom you wish to make a commitment. There are different levels of commitment, such as exclusive dating or planning for marriage. commitment Acceptance of an obligation and responsibility.

14 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 14 Love and Commitment Caring, respect, and trust are keys to a lasting relationship. Give a relationship time to find out all you can about your connection. Why does it take time to learn things about another person, even if you spend a lot of time together?

15 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 15 How Marriage Works Plans for marriage begin with an engagement period, a time period which gives couples time to test their relationship and plan for the wedding. engagement period The time a couple uses to test their relationship, make sure that marriage is the right decision, and plan for their wedding and married life.

16 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 16 How Marriage Works Ask questions of each other, such as where you will live and how you will manage finances. You should also resolve issues involving education, children, and religion. Engagements can be broken if feelings change or couples are not ready for marriage.

17 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 17 How Marriage Works Some examples of marriage laws including mutual consent, annulment, age, waiting period, licenses, prohibited marriages, and monogamy. Consider how well a partner can deal with change or difficulty. monogamy Faithful to one person. annulment Invalidation of a marriage.

18 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 18 How Marriage Works Communication and sharing are key in a strong marriage. Marriages may fail for a number of reasons, including lack of commitment, unrealistic expectations, individual changes, money, child rearing, and immaturity. Teen marriages present enormous challenges and have a low rate of success.

19 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 19 Remaining Single People who remain single have become a large part of the population. People remain single for a number of reasons. What are some specific reasons a person mioght choose to remain single?

20 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 20 Remaining Single The single life allows a person an opportunity to experience personal growth, pursue a career, and enjoy hobbies and recreation. Marriage is a choice based on what you want for yourself.

21 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 21 Chapter Summary Section 21.1 Going out in groups has benefits, especially when you are just beginning to date. When you start going out with someone, you take on new responsibilities for yourself and your dating partner. Responsible Dating

22 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 22 Chapter Summary Section 21.1 Sexual responsibility includes understanding the risks, handling sexual feelings, and resisting sexual pressure. Crushes, infatuation, jealousy, and breakups challenge people to deal with difficult emotions. Responsible Dating

23 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 23 Chapter Summary Section 21.2 An engagement period gives a couple time to prepare for marriage. Every state has laws governing marriage. Teen marriages do not have a high rate of success. Decisions About Marriage

24 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 24 Chapter Summary Section 21.2 Even among mature couples, marriage can pose significant challenges. Communication, sharing, and commitment help create a strong marriage. There are many reasons for choosing to remain single. Marriage is a choice, not a requirement. Decisions About Marriage

25 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 25 Review Start Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions.

26 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 26 sexually transmitted infection (STI) infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITSs) Diseases spread through sexual contact. Enfermedades que se transmiten a través del contacto sexual. Show Definition

27 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 27 crush enamoramiento A temporary romantic attraction, common among teens and young people. Atracción romántica temporal, común entre adolescentes y gente joven. Show Definition

28 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 28 infatuation encaprichamiento An intense, short-lived, and sometimes irrational passion. Pasión intensa, corta y a veces irracional. Show Definition

29 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 29 jealousy celos The feeling that the person you care about is more interested in something or someone else than in you. La sensación de que la persona que quieres está más interesada en otra cosa o persona que en ti. Show Definition

30 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 30 compatible Well-matched.Que corresponde. Show Definition

31 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 31 boundaries fronteras Limits. Límites. Show Definition

32 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 32 commitment compromiso Acceptance of an obligation and responsibility. Aceptación de una obligación y responsabilidad. Show Definition

33 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 33 engagement period periodo de compromiso The time a couple uses to test their relationship, make sure that marriage is the right decision, and plan for their wedding and married life. El tiempo que usa una pareja para poner su relación a prueba, asegurarse que el matrimonio es la decisión correcta y planear para su boda y su vida de casados. Show Definition

34 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 34 monogamy monogamia Faithful to one person. Fidelidad a una persona. Show Definition

35 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 35 annulment anulación Invalidation of a marriage. Invalidación del matrimonio. Show Definition

36 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 36 prohibit prohibir Ban or disallow. Proscribir o vetar. Show Definition

37 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 37 delay retrasar Put off. Posponer. Show Definition

38 Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage Chapter 21 Dating and Marriage 38 End of Chapter 1 End Of Chapter 21

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