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From RNP Divergence to Performance Based Navigation Convergence

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Presentation on theme: "From RNP Divergence to Performance Based Navigation Convergence"— Presentation transcript:

1 From RNP Divergence to Performance Based Navigation Convergence
Presented by Erwin Lassooij Manager Performance Based Navigation Programme (ICAO, Montreal)

2 Goal of presentation To update participants about:
Need for Performance Based Navigation The activities in ICAO on PBN To inform on the status of the concept of RNAV and RNP in relation to PBN To inform about other provisions to be delivered by ICAO To inform on the envisaged timeline Explain details on the PBN manual Awareness an implementation Actions proposed by COSCAP-NA

3 PBN solution to modern navigation implementations
Performance based navigation allows: Predictable, flexible flight paths (through prescribed navigation specification) Performance requirements that addresses the continuous growing number and combination of navigation sensors Optimum use of existing capabilities in modern type of aircraft Solution for: Safety, efficiency, capacity, fuel efficiency and noise problems

4 The problem Current ICAO RNP concept
Current applications: RNP 10 RNP 4 RNP 0.3 Containment based on: Accuracy Integrity Continuity Availability ICAO RNP provisions insufficient to meet terminal airspace and approach requirements

5 The problem Developments outside ICAO
RNP concept has continued to evolve RTCA/EUROCAE defined performance and functional requirements Aircraft manufacturers deliver “RNP” based on different versions of requirements Confusion in implementation!

6 F U T R E RNP Divergence P R E S RNP N T Europe B-RNAV US Boeing
Australia Canada South America China Japan Airbus B-RNAV P-RNAV US-RNAV RNP10 RNP 4 Boeing RNP RNP/RNAV

7 ICAO Assessment Individual ANC Panels unable to address the problem
Need for focal point in ICAO to address problems experienced with RNP Concept (GNSSP/4 recommendation 1/1) ANC (163/9) approves establishment of Required Navigation Performance Special operations requirements Study Group (RNPSORSG) as coordinating group

8 RNP SORSG Main Goals Common understanding of the RNP concept and the relationship between RNP and RNAV functionality; Harmonize use of RNP and RNAV functionality on global basis, for benefit of operators. Identify operational requirements for RNP and RNAV

9 RNPSORSG RNP Concept issues
Main issues: On-board performance monitoring and alerting ICAO does not currently specify this RTCA does specify, consistent with cockpit terminology Addition of functionality requirements

10 RNPSORSG RNP Concept issues
On-board performance monitoring and alerting function. A function on board the aircraft that detects and informs the crew when the RNAV system is unable to satisfy the performance prescribed in the navigation specification. The required level of on board monitoring and alerting is stipulated in each RNP specification.

11 Agreeing PBN PBN specifies RNAV system performance i.e. accuracy, integrity, continuity, availability + functionality; - written up in navigation specifications This is different than the RNP concept, which stressed navigation accuracy and ‘stopped’ at required performance. However, PBN is anchored in detailed navigation specifications, which contain performance and functionality requirements. RNP X specifications RNAV X specifications Require on-board performance monitoring + alerting Do not require on-board performance monitoring + alering

12 Harmonizing PBN Common understanding of the performance based navigation concept and the relationship between RNP and RNAV functionality Harmonization between States

13 RNP SORSG - Harmonization
RNP SORSG - Harmonization Area of Application Nav accuracy Designation of navigation standard: Current situation Designation of navigation specification: PBN concept (new) Simplification results in Lower costs for Operators and ANSP Oceanic/ Remote 10 RNP 10 RNAV 10 (RNP 10 label) 4 RNP 4 RNP 4 EnRoute- Continental 5 RNP 5 Basic RNAV RNAV 5 En Route - Continental and Terminal 2 USRNAV type A RNAV 2 Terminal 1 USRNAV type B and P-RNAV RNAV 1

14 RNP SORSG Terminal airspace
Common understanding of the performance based navigation concept and the relationship between RNP and RNAV functionality Harmonization between States Development of RNP 1 and 2

15 RNP SORSG RNP 1 and 2 Work in progress
RNP 1 requires on board performance monitoring and alerting Basic RNP 1 Advanced RNP 1 (work in progress) RNP 2 (work in progress)

16 RNP SORSG Approach concept
Common understanding of the performance based navigation concept and the relationship between RNP and RNAV functionality Harmonization between States Development of RNP 1 and 2 Development of RNP for approach

17 RNP SORSG Approach Concept
On-board performance monitoring and alerting required RNP APP: RNP approach for lowest common denominator Meets RNP0.3 in final segment Basic GNSS/SBAS Functionalities: VNAV optional No Special authorization required RNP AR APP (Authorization Required): Scaleable RNP (0.3 – 0.1NM) Functionalities: VNAV, RF legs Authorization required (small protection area) Operational approval Aircraft qualification

18 RNP AR approach-example

19 RNP SORSG Performance Based Navigation Concept
No perf. monitor and alerting Perf. Monitor and alerting RNP 4, Basic RNP 1 RNP APP, RNP AR APP

20 Overview of Navigation Specifications

Boeing EUROPE US Australia Canada China Japan Airbus South America B-RNAV P-RNAV US-RNAV RNP10 RNP 4 PBN PBN RNPSORSG initiatives

22 Through implementation to PBN convergence
Need for Global integrated implementation programme “ICAO PBN programme” Development/maintenance of provisions Create awareness and acceptance Training and awareness material Ensure Implementation Through implementation to PBN convergence

23 RNP SORSG Provisions From concept to ICAO provisions …

24 ICAO Provisions Performance Based Navigation Manual
PBN Manual to provide a “one-stop shop” for States on how to implement RNAV and RNP in their airspace PBN Manual being developed: Two Volumes: Volume I – An Application of RNP and RNAV Concept of PBN and how it is used Implementation Guidance to States / Regions Volume II – Compendium of Navigation Specifications RNAV 10 RNAV 1 RNP APP RNAV 5 RNP 4 RNP AR APP RNAV 2 Basic RNP 1 Advanced RNP1* RNP 2* * Work in progress

25 ICAO provisions Standards Annex 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 and 15 Procedures
PANS-ATM, PANS-OPS, regional SUPPS Manuals Manual on Performance based navigation Manual on RNP/AR procedure design Manual on Quality Assurance in Procedure Design Ensure centralised maintenance of the concept Gap analysis Future expansion based on ops needs

26 Thank you for your attention!
END Thank you for your attention!

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