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Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 My Professional Observations Research Findings Employer.

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 My Professional Observations Research Findings Employer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 My Professional Observations Research Findings Employer Expectations Implications for Career Development Facilitators For more information on Ken’s key note speech, visit the SEMCDFA LinkedIn Group at Ken Woodside, The Leadership Forum, LLC, started off our day by telling us about the Challenging Requirements of Today’s Workforce.

2 Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 For more information on Cathy’s break out session, you can visit the SEMCDFA LinkedIn Group at Design Rewards & Demand Account- ability Harness Peer Pressure Make the Undesirable Desirable Find Strength In Numbers Surpass Your Limits Change the Environ- ment PERSONAL SOCIAL STRUCTURAL MOTIVATIONABILITY Influencer: How to change anything -2008 Vital Smarts Using our Career Development Skills Strategically: Influencer Strategies Cathy Smith, Oakland University CDF Instructor, got us thinking about how we can have influence using our CDF competencies.

3 Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 For more information on Theresa’s break out session, you can visit the SEMCDFA LinkedIn Group at MOTIVATIONABILITY Using our Career Development Skills Strategically: Influencer Strategies Theresa Bienek, Troy Michigan Works!, helped us view ourselves as Adaptable and shared how CDF competencies are being used in Michigan Works! Agencies.

4 Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 For more information on Jennifer’s break out session, you can visit the SEMCDFA LinkedIn Group at Leaders are stewards of others' talents. As a leader, you are a guardian of your own light - and that of others. In other words - you have the responsibility to be brilliant and to help others find their own brilliance! Jennifer Landers, Henry Ford Health Care Systems, shared with us how she demonstrates the CDF competencies in her work as a human resources professional in the health care industry and in faith-based volunteer work.

5 Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 For more information on Erin and Dana’s break out session, you can visit the SEMCDFA LinkedIn Group at One-on-One Internet Assistance Career & College Information Resume & Cover Letter Critiquing Interview Preparation Job Search Assistance Career Experience Opportunities Annual Job Fair, Workshops Employer Outreach Erin Fortuna and Dana Tringali, Macomb Community College, told us about how they practice the CDF competencies in a higher education environment.

6 Southeast Michigan Career Development Facilitators Association Annual Conference – April 16, 2010 And we discussed topics for future tune up sessions on CDF competencies with Linda Rauhut- Robak, OU & Cathy Smith. Thanks for being a part of an awesome conference, for wonderful networking & resource sharing, & the pleasure of each other’s company! Alicia Beck, SEMCDFA Conference Chair

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