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Presentation on theme: "VISUAL C++ PROGRAMMING: CONCEPTS AND PROJECTS Chapter 3B Integral Data (Tutorial)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Tutorial: Binary Conversion Program Visual C++ Programming 2  Problem Analysis  Construct a program that allows the user to enter a character and see its decimal (base-10) and binary (base-2) representations  For example, if the user entered the letter ‘A’ Its binary representation 01000001 is displayed Its decimal representation 65 is displayed

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4 Problem Description Visual C++ Programming 4  The ASCII code of the letter is a base-10 integer – no explicit conversion required!  To calculate the binary representation  Start with the largest binary place value (128)  Determine how many whole times the place value goes into the integer in question (using integer division)  Display the result  Capture the remainder (using mod)

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9 Design Visual C++ Programming 9  Interface sketch requires numerous textboxes  Data entry (txtChar)  Data output Eight textboxes for the binary digits One textbox (txtDec) for the decimal version  Control table  Data table  Algorithm for the button (btnConvert)

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16 Development Visual C++ Programming 16  Create the interface  Create, resize and position multiple textboxes  Set MaxLength property to 1 for txtChar  Set horizontal spacing  Add labels  Change ForeColor and BackColor  Assign names to match interface design  Add a textbox for instructions ( txtInstruct )

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30 Development (continued) Visual C++ Programming 30  Code Form1_Load() event handler  Code btnConvert_Click()  Assign first character in txtChar to variable  Assign character to an integer variable and display  Display groups of 128  Calculate remainder  Display other place values

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40 Testing Visual C++ Programming 40  Demonstrate that your program works with  A-Z characters  a-z characters  0-9 numerals  Punctuation marks and special characters  Use the ASCII table in Appendix B to verify correctness

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42 On Your Own Visual C++ Programming 42  Demonstrate your understanding  Create a diagram like Figure 3-28 to show how your program works with various decimal numbers  Replace ToString() with Convert::ToString()  Use shorthand operators /= %=

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