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PatentLine of PRH E-commerce project of Patents and innovations line E-commerce hearing in Helsinki 12.05.1999 Juha Rekola12.05.1999The Finnish Patent.

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Presentation on theme: "PatentLine of PRH E-commerce project of Patents and innovations line E-commerce hearing in Helsinki 12.05.1999 Juha Rekola12.05.1999The Finnish Patent."— Presentation transcript:

1 PatentLine of PRH E-commerce project of Patents and innovations line E-commerce hearing in Helsinki 12.05.1999 Juha Rekola12.05.1999The Finnish Patent Office

2 PatentLine of PRH n Aim of the project: Give access to all our services via INTERNET –Electronic filing –Electronic dossier system –Correspondence –Patent information services –Payments –Security issues –EPOLINE

3 Security issues n Cooperation with HST-project n HST-project –personal ID-card (smart card) –PKI-solution –reliable identification –digital signature –heavy encryption –end of 1999

4 Security issues n Internet security –For larger customers: n Virtual Private Network /Ipsec -solution n Heavy encryption 128/256 bit Blowfish n Frame Relay if wanted n End of 1999 –For smaller customers: n SSL3 n 128 bit encryption n available with new mainstream browser IE, NC

5 FW CertificationsX500 PRH EPO VPN/Ipsec Client VPN/Ipsec Server Server SSL3 Client VPN/Ipsec Client SS Internet Population Register Center Register Center EASY-files

6 Electronic filing n FI-EASY-project –Beta-version end of May –Filing with diskette and paper copy n No need to change the law –Online filing n No papers n Needs changes in the law n System developed by EPO n End of 1999

7 Electronic filing n EP-EASY –PRH EP-EASY receiving office 07.1998 –online filings via PRH 12.1999 n PCT-EASY –PRH PCT-EASY receiving office 01.1999 –Online filings via PRH xx.2000 n in future US-EASY and JP-EASY filings via PatNet

8 Electronic dossiers n Access to your own dossiers –File inspections –After 18 months available for anyone –Intermediate solution till end of 1999 –Long term solution developed with EPO

9 Patent Information services n PatInfo server project: –Access to FI-register data n Available 09.1999 –Access to FI-EP patent register data n Available 01.2000 –Link between FI-Espacenet and PatInfo n Available 03.2000

10 Patent Information services n Publishing on Internet –Patent gazette –Utility model gazette –Under studies also: n Patent applications n Patent and utility model publications

11 Other projects n E-correspondence –Under studies –Secure e-mail S/MINE n Electronic payments –Filing fees –Renewals –Access to e-payment systems of banks –Available xx.2000

12 Targets and schedules n In the end of 2001 all of our major customers uses e-commerce

13 User Groups n Technical user group –Technical issues –Security issues n EASY user group –EASY –Online filing –E-dossiers n Patent Information user group

14 n Project information available: – n Disscussion forum –sähköinen asiointi n

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