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1 Alma Collaborative Networks ICOLC Spring 2013 Asaf Kline Director, Product Management.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Alma Collaborative Networks ICOLC Spring 2013 Asaf Kline Director, Product Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Alma Collaborative Networks ICOLC Spring 2013 Asaf Kline Director, Product Management

2 2 Copyright Statement and Disclaimer All of the information and material, including text, images, logos and product names, is either the property of, or used with permission by, Ex Libris Ltd. The information may not be distributed, modified, displayed or reproduced – in whole or in part – without the prior written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. TRADEMARKS Ex Libris, the Ex Libris logo, Aleph, SFX, SFXIT, MetaLib, DigiTool, Verde, Primo, Voyager, MetaSearch, MetaIndex and other Ex Libris products and services referenced herein are trademarks of Ex Libris, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks and logos referenced may be trademarks of their respective owners. DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is provided on an "AS IS" basis for general information purposes only without any representations or warranties, whether express or implied, including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Ex Libris, and its subsidiaries and related corporations disclaim any and all liability for use of this information, even if advised of the possibility that loss, damage or expenses may arise. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2013

3 3 The Challenges Cooperative collection development Cooperative technical services operations Ability to share information and services “Virtual” collection that can be shared Collaboration in different business areas with different systems and partners Ability to operate in hybrid environments

4 4 What is a Collaborative Network? Each institution can be part of many networks in multiple business areas A group of institutions with relationships/collaboration in a specific library business area (e.g. collection development, resource sharing, remote storage)

5 5 Types of Networks Fulfillment Central Catalog, Shared Catalog Cataloging ILL via broker, directly between partners Resource Sharing Direct patron interaction Joint acquisitions and negotiations Acquisitions Fulfillment Analytics

6 6 Cataloging Network Cataloging External Catalog

7 7 Shared Catalog Network Zone Inventory Catalog Local Extensions Shared Record Catalog The Trial Inventory The Trial

8 8 Searching in the Network

9 9 Acquisitions Network “Buying” Office

10 10 Acquisition Network Joint Electronic Resources Privately Owned Electronic Resources Network Zone

11 11 Joint Electronic Resources LexisNexis Academic Member 1 Network Zone Member 2Member 3 Member N  Indicate to which member/s it is available for  Assign specific coverage per member  Activate proxy per member  Indicate to which member/s it is available for  Assign specific coverage per member  Activate proxy per member

12 12 Resource Sharing Network Resource Sharing Alma and non-Alma partners External broker

13 13 Resource Sharing – External Broker Publish BIB+Holdings Search (e.g. Z39.50) External Broker ItemRequested ItemShipped AcceptItem ItemCheckedOut ItemCheckedIn NCIP Based Integration Examples  Relais D2D  ILLiad  NRE Examples  Relais D2D  ILLiad  NRE

14 14 Integration Profile (ISO-ILL) Integration Profile (ISO-ILL) Workflow Profile ( External Broker ) Workflow Profile (e.g. No Recall Allowed) Resource Sharing – Peer to Peer Institution A Institution B Supplier of Last resort Request

15 15 Fulfillment Networks Fulfillment Walk In and Return Direct Requesting

16 16 Fulfillment Network Patron of Institution B wants to get services at a Institution A desk, for an Institution A resource B Lookup/Search A Service Patrons of Share Patrons with [Visitor] John Smith [Home Institution] John Smith Patron @ APatron @ B

17 17 Analytics Provide a set of subject areas and tools to gain insight into the structure and use of your collection Areas Print Inventory Print Usage (Loans, Requests) Electronic Inventory Electronic Usage (COUNTER, Uresolver) Cost per Use Tools Overlap Analysis Understand what you have, how its used and how you can do better

18 18 Analytics  Benchmark Analytics how does my usage compare to other institutions “like me”  Network Analytics what is usage like across the members of the consortia

19 19 Multiple Collaborations - Example “Typical” Consortia Shared Catalog Joint Selection and Purchasing Resource Sharing “Typical” Consortia Shared Catalog Joint Selection and Purchasing Resource Sharing “Regional" Buying Office Shared Purchases of E Resources “Regional" Buying Office Shared Purchases of E Resources Member1 NZ Institution A Institution B

20 20 Alma Collaborative Networks Empowering consortia with advanced collaboration capabilities in different business areas Create multiple collaborations in, across and beyond the network members Reduce costs by leveraging collaborations Provide the ability to work in hybrid environments Provide the ability to manage incremental, ongoing changes to member structure

21 21 Thank You

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