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ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Click to begin!. GIVE EARTH A CHANCE! In this lesson you will see the following buttons: Forward/ Next Slide Back/Previous Slide.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Click to begin!. GIVE EARTH A CHANCE! In this lesson you will see the following buttons: Forward/ Next Slide Back/Previous Slide."— Presentation transcript:


2 GIVE EARTH A CHANCE! In this lesson you will see the following buttons: Forward/ Next Slide Back/Previous Slide Back to sub-menu Home button (Main Menu)

3 GIVE EARTH A CHANCE Recently, many schools have been having problems with using too much paper, not recycling enough, and not trying their best to conserve energy. Making eco-friendly decisions are very important when it comes to environmental awareness.

4 POP QUIZ Why is it so important to make sure that our Earth is protected? Type in what you think the answer is, and then click lightning bolt to how the compare! So that we can make sure the Earth is safe, healthy, and protected for future generations to come !

5 WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? Tips and Tricks ProjectsOut of Class Resources and Standards Final Quiz

6 TIPS AND TRICKS There are plenty of things that you can do to protect the environment without making big changes to your daily life.

7 IF YOU HAD THE CHOICE… If you were the last person to leave the classroom before recess, what would you do? Leave without turning off the lights Turn the lights off

8 INCORRECT… Go back and try again! -Think about the other option and why it may be a better answer. When you are leaving for recess and have the option to turn off the lights, you can either leave them on and waste electricity, or turn them off and save it.

9 CORRECT! Whenever you have the chance to, ALWAYS turn off the lights in a room when they are not needed. Great job!

10 TIPS AND TRICKS Here are some tricks to help you learn how to stay environmentally friendly in the classroom: Paper Art Supplies Pens & Pencils Go Virtual Lights Off Plants Recycling

11 PAPER Use the front and back sides of all paper you use Realize that paper comes from trees, and trees are important to all life on earth!

12 ART SUPPLIES Use old magazines, junk mail, and gift bags for materials during arts and crafts. Make sure to save scraps when using construction paper for future projects as well.

13 PENS & PENCILS Try to find pens and pencils made from recycled plastic, newspaper, and even denim!

14 GO VIRTUAL Instead of writing on paper, students should type their projects and papers on computers and then email them to the teacher.


16 PLANTS Having plants in the classroom will purify the air. Each student can have a turn taking care of the plant and watering it, this way they will learn how to care for living things.


18 NEXT, WE MOVE ON TO PROJECTS! By creating environmentally friendly projects, money and resources are preserved.

19 PROJECTS Here are several crafts that can be eco-friendly projects within the classroom. Click on each for more info! Earth Vases Nature Bracelets Pine Cones/ Toilet Paper Rolls Activity

20 EARTH VASES 1)Gather up a bunch of twigs and sticks 2)Break the twigs up so they are an inch longer than the height of a jar 3)Place rubber bands on the jar at the top and the bottom 4)Place the sticks around the jar, tucking in the ends under both rubber bands. 5)Add ribbon and bows if you’d like.

21 NATURE BRACELETS 1.Take a piece of masking tape, sticky side up, and wrap it around your wrist 2.Collect sticks and colorful leaves, flowers, and other objects found in nature and stick them to the tape!

22 PINE CONES/ TOILET PAPER ROLLS Take pinecones and add spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg to make them smell great! Even sprinkle some glitter on it for a nice touch! There are also many uses for toilet paper rolls, such as making a wiggle worm! Paint stripes on toilet paper rolls and tap them together!

23 PROJECTS ACTIVITY Identify which craft/project is NOT environmentally friendly:

24 ACTUALLY… Since this project features many leaves and feathers, it is considered to be environmentally friendly! Try again!

25 NOPE, TRY AGAIN! This is a windsock, and it is made from crepe paper and a leftover oatmeal container so it is considered environmentally friendly! Have another try!

26 CORRECT! Gingerbread houses use lots of new material, and since real glue is normally used, they are just wasting food! Try using frosting instead of glue… and actually eat it before it goes bad!

27 OUT OF CLASS There are PLENTY of opportunities that you will be presented with outside of the classroom, to make environmentally friendly choices and decisions.

28 OUT OF CLASS Click on the blocks to find out how you can keep eco-friendly habits even outside of the classroom! Recycling (Again!)Turning it offGet involved

29 RECYCLING Recycling is SUPER important, so that materials can be reused. Things that should be recycled include: Water bottles Pop Cans Plastic Bags (Make sure they say recyclable) Paper

30 TURNING IT OFF Turning of Water Lights -Are both EXTREMELY important. Conserving water and energy are crucial when it comes to making eco friendly choices. When you are brushing your teeth, turn off the water. When you leave a room, turn off the lights. It’s simple!

31 GET INVOLVED Get involved in after school clubs and organizations. There are many groups that their goal is to clean up local neighborhoods and rivers by removing liter from those areas. - If your school does not have any clubs like this, talk to a teacher about starting one!

32 FUN FACT! April 22 nd is Earth Day! It started in the year 1970, with the meaning behind it of “Give Earth a Chance”.

33 HOW WILL YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE? What are some ways that you think you will make changes so that you are more environmentally friendly?

34 FINAL QUIZ Your final quiz is a total of 5 questions. You have to answer each question right in order to move on to the next! Good luck! Begin!

35 1)Paper is recyclable. TrueFalse

36 2) Sticks, leaves, pine cones, and old magazines are great ideas to use when making eco-friendly crafts. TrueFalse

37 Paper comes from trees which makes it easy to be recycled, give it another try! Try Again!

38 3) Plants are not a good idea to have in the classroom. True False

39 All of these materials ARE environmentally friendly, reusing previous materials is an eco- friendly choice as well. Try again! Try again!

40 Plants purify the air and teach children how to care for living things, therefore plants are good to have in the classroom. Try again!

41 4) The environmentally friendly way to turn in papers is to write them online and email them to your teacher. TrueFalse

42 5) Earth Day is April 22 nd. TrueFalse

43 By printing out papers instead of emailing them, you are wasting a lot of paper. Try Again!

44 GREAT JOB! JOB WELL DONE!!! You finished the quiz and are now a master of making eco-friendly decisions.

45 Think back to the fun fact during this presentation…Earth Day IS April 22 nd ! Try Again!


47 RESOURCES AND STANDARDS: Websites Standards

48 WEBSITES classroom-eco-friendly/ classroom-eco-friendly/ red=1 red=1 https://encrypted- eFeQ1iIHuyKigG1tRAI8g https://encrypted- eFeQ1iIHuyKigG1tRAI8g

49 STANDARDS Health Education 3.5.4. – Indicate the possible consequences of each choice when making a health-related decision. 3.5.5 – Identify a healthy choice when making a decision.


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