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Rail gun/Launcher Diagram of Rail gun

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1 Rail gun/Launcher Diagram of Rail gun
Problem Statement: This module is a energy conversion system that uses electrical energy that is converted to mechanical energy to launch a projectile. A rail gun is simply a large electrical circuit that is generally made up of three major parts, a power source, a pair of metal rails, and a moveable armature. The rail gun uses magnetic fields that are produced when a current is run through the metal rails to accelerate an armature between the rails. Governing Equations: Biot-Savart Law B(s)=µoI/2πs Lorentz Force Law F=IdBavg Force on Armature F=(1/2)L’I^2 Mechanical Energy Wm=Fl Diagram of Rail gun

2 What Analytical Analysis is Done?
Choose dimensions of rails and spacing between them, choose an arbitrary current, and weight of both the armature and projectile. Use the chosen rail specs and current to calculate the magnetic field strength between the rails and the forces on the armature. Research into multiple materials to determine what material that the rails should be made of. Calculate the energy, acceleration, and velocity that the system will produce. Research and calculate what capacitors should be used for the capacitor bank to deliver the required energy to the rails. As well as determining the set up of capacitors to get the desired capacitor bank value. Calculate the inductance and resistance of the rails. Calculate the internal resistance and internal inductance of the capacitor bank. Calculate the charging resistor of the system. Use the values determined in the previous step as values for the circuit equivalent of the rail gun. Modify and adjust dimensions and values to obtain desired output of the system. Circuit Equivalent of Rail Gun

3 What Experimental Analysis is Done?
Construct and obtain the materials needed to make the designed rail gun such as the rails and capacitors. Construct the rail gun with the parts chose. Measure voltages and currents across parts of the system to see if values are at or close to desired values. Fire rail gun and measure the velocity of the rail gun using a high speed camera. Conduct multiple test shots to determine how consistent the performance of the rail gun is. Determine what the velocity and acceleration of the projectile. Use the values obtained through the experimental stage to determine the efficiency of the physical system compared to the simulated system. Physical Rail Gun Construct mROlo4Wz1mI

4 Build of Materials (B.O.M.)
Metal Rails Capacitors Power Supply Resistors Insulator Materials for Capacitor Bank Case (glass) Material for Armature and Projectile Wires for Connections

5 What Comparisons can be made from between the Analysis vs Experiment?
Compare the velocity determined in the analytical model to the velocity measured in the experimental results. Compare the current determined in the analytical model to the current measured in the experimental results. Compare the capacitor bank capacity determined in the analytical model to the capacity determined through the experimental results. What is the Student Learning or Getting Out of this Lab Experience? Students get to learn about technology and theories that are used in many modern objects around us, such as roller coasters and trains. This module would be outside the norm of other labs that they may have preformed.

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