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Lesson 1 Unit 1 Book 5 SWE 2006-9-4. Free talk about your summer vacation  Ask and answer your deskmate at least five questions about your summer vacation.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1 Unit 1 Book 5 SWE 2006-9-4. Free talk about your summer vacation  Ask and answer your deskmate at least five questions about your summer vacation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1 Unit 1 Book 5 SWE 2006-9-4

2 Free talk about your summer vacation  Ask and answer your deskmate at least five questions about your summer vacation.

3 Learn the new words  the activity of buying and selling goods  nervous in front of others  special ability to do something well  something that may help one to be get good result  business  shy   skill   advantage 

4 Learn the new words  a kind of book with a paper cover and some articles, photos and advertisements inside  magazine

5 Listening and reading  Listen and read the dialogue on Page 2 and correct the sentences on Page 3.  What does Sally want to be?

6 Pre-reading discussion  What do you think a reporter should be good at doing?  What advantages or disadvantages does a reporter have?

7 Reading  Read Lingshi’s uncle’s talk about working as a reporter quickly and find out different skills, advantages and disadvantages that a reporter has.

8 Reading  Read the talk more carefully and number the notes on Page 3 in the right order

9 Post reading discussion --- future job plans  Would you like to be a reporter? Why or why not?  What would you like to be in the future?

10 Language focus  1. I saw you at the race yesterday.  2. He’s a business reporter on the Yangcheng Evening News.  3. Working with young people is always interesting.

11 Language focus  4. Could your uncle talk to our class one day?  5. You should be interested in many different things, such as science, art and music. Most importantly, you should read every day…  Students in our school can enjoy doing sports, such as…  We have to do many things to learn English well, such as…  Many students are good at English, such as…

12 Language focus  You should work hard this year. Most importantly, you should keep on working hard every day.  You come to school every day. Most importantly, …  We should try to remember many different things to study English well. Most importantly, …

13 Homework  1. Make sentences with  talk to; such as; be interested in; most importantly  2. Exercises of Lesson 1 in Book C.

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