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Assessment of judges work. Bert Maan President District Court Zwolle-Lelystad 1992-2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of judges work. Bert Maan President District Court Zwolle-Lelystad 1992-2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of judges work. Bert Maan President District Court Zwolle-Lelystad 1992-2006

2 Organisation of a court:  4 sections  Heads of sections (responsible for their section)  Judging by single judge  Judging by panel of 3 judges

3 Assessment  Quantity  Quality

4 Required  Management information  Automation  Systems of distribution of work  Schedules of hearings

5 Criminal cases  Schedules of hearings  Distributing judges over hearings in the schedule (6 months)  P.m. appeals

6 Commercial section:  Numbers of hearings after first reply  Cases where judgement id asked  Management information; Date of pronouncement of judgment Name of the case Name of the judge Looking around

7 Administrative section:  Cases distributed by number  Following case flow  Management information date judgement  Schedule of hearings  Registering date of judgement

8 Overall:  Management information each month  Incoming cases;  Finished cases Withdrawn Settled Interlocutory judgement Final judgement

9 Quality Risk: judge alone/single judge Judges  work in a court and in sections:  Look at each other;  Clerk/ judicial assistant also looks  Report misbehaviour (informal)

10 Legal quality  Panel of three (criminal, commercial, administrative)  Colleague judges  Judicial assistant  Advocates  Publication (  Media  Appeals/cassation

11 Quality management  Case-law discussion  Presentations  Internal training/education;  Permanent education SSR  Intervision  Courses elsewhere

12 Legal resources  Texts of the law with comments;  Library  Internet Open sources Restricted sources

13 Human resources policy-tools  periodic interview head of section  annual talks with court president  promotion  personal file

14 Formal evaluation?  Does not exist;  References in case of application  Career system

15 Why not?  Starting point  Selection  Training before the job  Training on the job  Development as a person/judge  Motivation

16 Discipline  Organisation prevents situations  Control by colleagues  First disciplinary body Is very near: court president

17 Result  Good quality  Motivated judges  Feeling responsibility  Love their profession  Accidents?

18 Questions/observations? Teçukkur ederim!

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