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Presentation on theme: "FAI/F3A Radio Control Aerobatics JUDGES TRAINING PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

From January 2004


3 P-05.01: Take-off sequence (Award only 0 or 10 points) 2700 TURN
Reversal of pilot’s choice 520m 150m 300m 1200 900 TURN ZERO LINE - Any flying behind zero line scores zero points. If 270o turn and reversal is flown FAR outside of 60o right and left markers, score zero. Either TEN or ZERO for take-off sequence. Second attempt at take-off scores zero.

4 P-05.02 - Reverse Cuban eight, 4/8pt. roll first,
2/2pt. roll second, exit inverted All part-loops must be same radius All legs same length True 45 degree angles Lines equal before and after rolls Roll rates may be different 5/8 loop ¾ loop 450 path 450 path 1/8 loop Straight and level entry Straight and level inverted exit

5 P-05.03 - Stall turn, 2/4pt roll up, neg. snap roll down
Entry and exit part-loops must be same radius 2/4-pt roll on middle of vertical line 2 of 4pt. roll up 1/4 loop Straight and level entry

6 P-05.03 - Stall turn, 2/4pt roll up, negative snap roll down
Entry and exit part-loops must be same radius Snap roll on middle of vertical line Snap roll = NEGATIVE Negative snap roll! 1/4 loop Straight and level exit exit (ideally on same level as entry)

7 P-05.04 - Reversed 4-point roll
Roll rates must be same on all points Duration of points must be same Middle of inverted flight is middle of manoeuvre Look for reverse direction! Straight and level exit Straight and level entry

8 P-05.05 - Half square loop, full roll up, exit inverted
Straight and level inverted exit 1/4 loop Both part-loops must be same radius Roll on middle of vertical line 1/4 loop Straight and level entry

9 P-05.06 – Inverted triangle loop with half rolls, inverted exit
Straight and level inverted entry Straight and level inverted exit 3/8 loop 3/8 loop 450 path 450 path All part-loops must be same radius Entry and exit on same level All legs 45 degree flight path Equal length lines before and after rolls 1/4 loop

10 P-05.07 - Two-turn inverted spin
Straight and level inverted entry Snap roll entry = ZERO Weather-cocking to be downgraded - 1pt/15o 1/4 loop Straight and level exit

11 P-05.08 – Loop with integrated slow roll over top 90o
Entry and exit at same height Roll MUST be integrated with loop Roll rate constant Straight and level exit Straight and level entry

12 P-05.09 - Half clover, 2/4-pt roll up, ½ roll down, exit inverted
3/4 outside loop 3/4 outside loop All part-loops must be same radius 2/4-pt roll must be on middle of line Vertical ascending and descending flight paths must coincide 2/4-pt roll on middle of line 1/4 loop Straight and level entry

13 Straight and level inverted exit
P Half clover, 2/4-pt roll up, ½ roll down, exit inverted 3/4 outside loop 3/4 outside loop All part-loops must be same radius 2/4-pt roll must be on middle of line ½ roll down must be on middle of line Vertical ascending and descending flight paths must coincide 1/2 roll on middle of line 1/4 loop Straight and level inverted exit

14 P-05.10 - 45o up, with 4-point roll, exit inverted
Straight and level inverted exit Part loops must be same size Entire manoeuvre centred over centre flag Equal length of line before and after 4-pt roll Roll rate same Points of equal duration Flight path must be 45o 1/8 loop 450 path 1/8 loop Straight and level inverted entry

15 P-05.11 – Humpty bump, 2/4-pt roll down, ½ roll up
(PULL-PUSH-PUSH) option of ¾-pt roll down, ¼ roll up Straight and level inverted entry All part-loops must be same radius Rolls must be on middle of lines Roll rates may be different Exit and entry ideally at same level Half outside loop is inverted 1/8 loop 1/8 loop ½ roll up 2/4-point roll down ½ outside loop

16 P-05.11 – Humpty bump, 3/4-pt roll down, 1/4 roll up
(PULL-PUSH-PUSH) option of 2/4-pt roll down, ½ roll up Straight and level inverted entry All part-loops must be same radius Rolls must be on middle of lines With this option, roll rates are the same Exit and entry ideally at same level Half outside loop is inverted 1/8 loop 3/4-point roll down ½ outside loop (inverted)

17 Straight and level exit
P – Humpty bump, 3/4-pt roll down, 1/4 roll up (PULL-PUSH-PUSH) option of 2/4-pt roll down, ½ roll up Straight and level exit All part-loops must be same radius Rolls must be on middle of lines With this option, roll rates are the same Exit and entry ideally at same level Half outside loop is inverted 1/8 loop ¼ roll up ½ outside loop (inverted)

18 Straight and level entry
P Reverse double immelmann, full roll, and 2/4-pt roll inverted exit Straight and level inverted exit Straight and level entry 2/4-pt roll Roll rate must be same for all points Duration of points must be equal Roll rates may differ between pt-roll and continuous roll ½ outside loop ½ outside loop Full roll

19 P-05.13 Goldfish, with 1/2 rolls
Straight and level inverted entry 1/8 loop 450 path All part-loops must have same radius Half rolls must be on middle of lines Roll rates must be the same Entry/exit altitude must be the same 3/4 loop 450 path Straight and level exit 1/8 loop

20 P-05.14 Square loop, ½ rolls in vert. and 2/4-pt rolls in horiz.
All part-loops must be same radius All rolls on middle of lines All sides equal in length Roll rates may be different between ½ rolls and 2/4-pt rolls. 1/4 loop 1/4 loop 1/4 loop 1/4 loop 1/4 loop Straight and level entry Straight and level exit

21 P-05.15 – Half reverse cuban 8, full roll up, exit inverted
All part-loops must be same radius Roll on middle of 45o line Entry and exit at same altitude 5/8 outside loop 450 path 1/8 loop Straight and level entry Straight and level inverted exit

22 P-05.16 – 4/8-pt roll, with slow roll opposite
Entire manoeuvre is centred over flag Roll rates between 4/8-pt and slow roll may be different Reverse rotation is immediate Entire manoeuvre centred on flag (from start to finish) Straight and level inverted entry Straight and level exit

23 P-05.17 - Humpty bump, positive snap roll up, exit inverted
(PULL-PULL-PUSH) 1/2 loop Due to space limitations, very little vertical flight shown here All part-loops must be same radius Snap roll on middle of line Snap roll is POSITIVE Entry and exit at different altitudes 1/4 loop Positive snap roll Straight and level inverted exit 1/4 loop Straight and level entry

24 Straight and level inverted entry
P Vertical 8, top first, integrated ½ roll on centre Both loops must be round Both loops same size ½ roll MUST be integrated Entry and exit same altitude Straight and level exit Straight and level inverted entry Integration of half roll

25 Straight and level entry
P – Split S with full roll, inverted exit No straight flight after roll Full roll Straight and level entry 1/2 outside loop Straight and level inverted exit

26 P-05.20 – Opposite ¾ slow roll, inverted to inverted
Roll rate constant in both directions Reversal is immediate (no pause) Straight and level inverted entry Straight and level inverted exit

27 P-05.21- Half square outside loop, 2/4-pt roll up, exit inverted
Straight and level inverted exit 1/4 loop All part-loops same radius 2/4-pt roll on middle of vertical line outside loop Straight and level inverted entry

28 Straight and level inverted entry
P Inverted spin, two turns opposite, 1/2 roll exit Straight and level inverted entry Snap entry scores zero! Weather-cocking is downgraded 1pt/15o Reversal is immediate Vertical downline after spins Half roll is part of manoeuvre Reversal is immediate Recognisable straight flight here... …before 1/2 roll 1/4 loop Straight and level exit, before turning

29 P-05.23 - Landing sequence (Award only 0 or 10 points) 1800 TURN 1800
150m 300m 1200 ZERO LINE - Any flying behind zero line scores zero points. If 180o turns are flown FAR outside of 60o right and left markers, score zero. Turns must be either level or descending. Either TEN or ZERO for landing sequence. No hot-dogging!


31 F-05.01: Take-off sequence (Award only 0 or 10 points) 2700 TURN
Reversal of pilot’s choice 520m 150m 300m 1200 900 TURN ZERO LINE - Any flying behind zero line scores zero points. If 270o turn and reversal is flown FAR outside of 60o right and left markers, score zero. Either TEN or ZERO for take-off sequence. Second attempt at take-off scores zero.

32 F-05.2 - Rolling loop, with one integrated roll
Loop must be round Roll rate must be constant Entry and exit at same altitude Knife edge at 90o point Knife edge at 90o point Straight and level entry Straight and level exit

33 Straight and level entry
F Half square loop on corner, 2/4-pt rolls, exit inverted All part-loops must have same radius Pt. rolls must be on middle of lines 45o paths must be equal in length Straight and level inverted exit 1/8 loop 450 path outside loop 450 path 1/8 loop Straight and level entry

34 F-05.4 - Reverse humpty bump, full roll down, pos. snap up
(PULL-PUSH-PULL) Straight and level inverted exit Straight and level inverted entry ¼ loop ¼ loop Positive snap roll Full roll All part-loops must be same radius Roll is on middle of line Snap roll on middle of line Snap roll is POSITIVE Entry and exit at same altitudes outside loop

35 F-05.5 - Figure 6, with ½ roll down, exit inverted
Straight and level inverted entry All part-loops must have same radius Half roll must be on middle of line Exit and ½ roll altitude does not have to coincide ¼ loop This shape also correct! Straight and level inverted exit 3/4 loop

36 F-05.6 - Inverted hourglass, top first, 2/4-pt roll down
All part-loops must be same radius Point-roll on middle of 45o line Entry and exit on same level All legs 45 degree flight path Take note of entry and exit points! 3/8 outside loop 3/8 outside loop 450 path 450 path Straight and level exit Straight and level inverted entry 450 path 450 path 3/8 outside loop 3/8 outside loop

37 F-05.7 - Two-turn positive spin, exit inverted
Snap roll entry = ZERO Vertical down line after spin Weather-cocking to be downgraded - 1pt/15o Straight and level entry Straight and level inverted exit

38 F-05.8 - Opposite 3/4pt roll, inverted to inverted
Roll rate of point-rolls constant, and points must be of same duration Reversal on centre-line Entire manoeuvre centred on flag Straight and level Inverted exit Straight and level Inverted entry

39 Straight and level inverted entry
F Stall turn, 2/8-pt. roll up, ¾-pt roll down Stall turn Exit and entry part-loops must be same radius 2/8-pt. roll 1/4 loop Straight and level inverted entry

40 Straight and level exit
F Stall turn, 2/8-pt. roll up, ¾-pt roll down Stall turn Exit and entry part-loops must be same radius 3/4 roll 1/4 loop Straight and level exit

41 F-05.10 - Rolling circle with three rolls in opposite directions.
Roll rate must be constant. Circle must be round Second roll is to INSIDE First roll complete and wings level at 120o point. Reversal is immediate. Second roll complete and wings level at 240o point. Reversal is immediate. Rolling circle may be performed towards runway, or away from runway Third roll is to OUTSIDE First roll is to OUTSIDE Straight and level entry Straight and level exit

42 F-05.11 - Half roll, half outside loop, with full roll
Straight and level exit Full roll No straight flight after ½ roll No straight flight before full roll 1/2 outside loop ½ roll Straight and level entry

43 F-05.12 - Reverse avalanche, 1 ½ neg. snap roll, inverted exit
Straight and level inverted exit Straight and level entry Loop must be round Snap must be NEGATIVE Exit and entry at same altitude 1 ½ negative snap roll

44 F-05.13 - Reverse humpty bump, 2/8-pt. roll down, ¼ roll up
(PULL-PUSH-PUSH) option of 2/4-pt roll down, ½ roll up Straight and level inverted entry 1/4 loop FIRST OPTION SHOWN HERE All part loops must be same radius Rolls on middle of lines Half loop must be inverted 2/8-pt. roll 1/2 outside loop (inverted)

45 F-05.13 - Reverse humpty bump, 2/8-pt. roll down, ¼ roll up
(PULL-PUSH-PUSH) option of 2/4-pt roll down, ½ roll up Straight and level exit 1/4 loop FIRST OPTION SHOWN HERE All part loops must be same radius Rolls on middle of lines Half loop must be inverted 1/4 roll 1/2 outside loop (inverted)

46 F-05.13 - Reverse humpty bump, 2/8-pt. roll down, ¼ roll up
(PULL-PUSH-PUSH) option of 2/4-pt roll down, ½ roll up Straight and level inverted entry 1/4 loop 1/4 loop SECOND OPTION SHOWN HERE 2/4-pt. roll All part loops must be same radius Rolls on middle of lines Half loop must be inverted 1/2 roll 1/2 outside loop (inverted)

47 F-05.13 - Reverse humpty bump, 2/8-pt. roll down, ¼ roll up
(PULL-PUSH-PUSH) option of 2/4-pt roll down, ½ roll up Straight and level exit 1/4 loop 1/4 loop SECOND OPTION SHOWN HERE 2/4-pt. roll All part loops must be same radius Rolls on middle of lines Half loop must be inverted 1/2 roll 1/2 outside loop (inverted)

48 F-05.14 - Reverse golf ball from top, with ½ rolls
Straight and level entry Straight and level exit 1/8 loop 1/8 loop 450 path 450 path All part-loops same radius ½ rolls on middle of lines Exit and entry altitude same 3/4 loop

49 F-05.15 – Half square outside loop, 1 ½ positive snap roll down
Straight and level entry All part-loops same radius Snap roll on middle of line Snap roll = POSITIVE! outside loop 1 ½ POSITIVE snap roll 1/4 loop Straight and level exit

50 F-05.16 - Reverse knife-edge, exit inverted
Entire manoeuvre centred on flag Roll rate constant Knife-edge portions of equal duration &length Straight and level Inverted exit Straight and level entry

51 F-05.17 - Rolling half outside loop, with full integrated roll
Straight and level exit Half loop must be round Roll MUST be fully integrated Roll rate must be constant and continuous Straight and level inverted entry

52 Straight and level exit
F o down, 2/4-pt. roll, neg. snap roll opposite, ½ roll exit Straight and level entry 1/8 loop entry 450 path 2/4-pt. roll All part-loops must be same radius 2/4-pt. and snap roll must be opposite Snap roll = NEGATIVE ½ roll on exit is part of manoeuvre 2/4-pt. roll and snap roll on middle of 45o line NEGATIVE snap roll 1/8 loop 1/2 roll Straight and level exit

53 F-05.23 - Landing sequence (Award only 0 or 10 points) 1800 TURN 1800
150m 300m 1200 ZERO LINE - Any flying behind zero line scores zero points. If 180o turns are flown FAR outside of 60o right and left markers, score zero. Turns must be either level or descending. Either TEN or ZERO for landing sequence. No hot-dogging!

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