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University of Connecticut-Stamford Campus Safety Orientation.

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1 University of Connecticut-Stamford Campus Safety Orientation

2 Inclement weather procedures Always consider safety first. Weather and road conditions may vary considerably across the state, so all members of the University community must evaluate the circumstances they face Faculty members scheduled to teach who decide it is unsafe for them to travel to campus must notify their students as soon as possible that their class is cancelled; also call 203-251-8514 to report the cancellation Faculty should respect the decisions of commuting students who decide not to travel to campus and provide options for them to make up missed work Students should contact their professors as soon as possible if they must miss a class or other activity due to weather conditions

3 Inclement weather procedures cont’d Even when the University remains open for business during inclement weather, employees may appropriately decide not to come to campus or to leave campus early In these situations, employees may use a vacation day, personal time, or other accrued time without advance approval, but they must notify their supervisors that they are doing so Staff offices are encouraged to establish a telephone notification pyramid to ensure everyone in their office is notified of closures as soon as possible

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