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1 NCEP Current Data Usage and Future Plans Dr. Bradley Ballish NCEP/NCO/PMB Presentation to JAG/ODAA October 2008 at OFCM “Where America’s Climate and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NCEP Current Data Usage and Future Plans Dr. Bradley Ballish NCEP/NCO/PMB Presentation to JAG/ODAA October 2008 at OFCM “Where America’s Climate and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NCEP Current Data Usage and Future Plans Dr. Bradley Ballish NCEP/NCO/PMB Presentation to JAG/ODAA October 2008 at OFCM “Where America’s Climate and Weather Services Begin”

2 Overview Current satellite types in operations Planned new satellite types for testing or operations Current conventional data used in operations Planned new conventional data for testing or operations

3 Current Satellite Types in Operations HIRS sounder radiances AMSU-A sounder radiances AMSU-B sounder radiances MHS radiances GOES sounder radiances GOES, Meteosat, GMS winds GOES layer precipitable water SSM/I precipitation rates TRMM precipitation rates SSM/I ocean surface wind speed AIRS MODIS Winds COSMIC Quikscat ocean surface wind vectors Windsat AVHRR SST AVHRR vegetation fraction AVHRR surface type Multi-satellite snow cover Multi-satellite sea ice SBUV/2 ozone profile and total ozone Altimeter sea level obs (ocean data assimilation) More information can be found at:

4 Planned Satellite Types for Testing or Operations ASCAT is being tested IASI may be operational in December 2008 CHAMP GPS RO is being tested GRACE-A is being tested GOME ozone is being tested AMSR may be operational this month AVHRR radiances are being tested AMSR is being monitored GRAS GPS RO is being tested

5 Current Conventional Data Used in Operations The GDAS/GFS data usage can be found at: ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_2.htm ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_2.htm The CDAS data usage can be found at: ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_3.htm ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_3.htm The NAM/NDAS data usage can be found at: ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_4.htm ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_4.htm The RUC data usage can be found at: ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_5.htm ocessing/prepbufr.doc/table_5.htm

6 Planned New Conventional Data for Testing or Operations NCEP has a detailed data mining list for future data use or acquisition. See the next slide for a sample of this. Since this data has restricted internal information, contact for information

7 AVHRR Aerosol Optical Depth May 08 GFS GOC A-RT CMA Q NEMS /AQ - NESDIS product created from AVHRR/NOAA-16. Useful for model evaluation and data assimilation. - 100 km global daily file. - Location: - Data format description : - poc:,,

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