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Notes: Chapter 12 Section 1 “The Roots of the French Revolution”

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1 Notes: Chapter 12 Section 1 “The Roots of the French Revolution”

2 I.) The Old Regime 1 st Estate Clergy (less than 1%) 2 nd Estate Nobility (less than 2%) 3 rd Estate Bourgeoisie & City workers, Artisans, Peasants (about 97%)

3 II.) Problems & Discontent Begin Cause: French population Rises Effect: Food Demand Rises & Prices Rise Cause: Economic conditions change Effect: Pay Decreases, Rent Rises, 3 rd Estate pays ALL taxes Cause: Bourgeoisie prosper in 1700’s Effect: Want political power Cause: 3 rd Estate share ideas of reform Effect: Enlightenment ideas of liberty & equality (natural rights)

4 III.) The King and Finances King Louis XV -Inherits debt from Louis XIV - Expensive Habits King Louis XVI -Debts grow -Taxes 1 st /2 nd Estate -France nearly bankrupt/ Banks do not loan -Needs approval of Estates General for new taxes Marie-Antoinette -Austrian nobility - Dislike by French -French people resent her involvement in French politics

5 IV.) Meeting of the Estates General 1789 New Idea: Estates General represent “the people” NOT the three social classes! Cause: Louis XVI wants to raise taxes on ALL Estates! Outcome: 3 rd Estate declares itself the National Assembly Goal: the adoption of a written constitution for France Past Practice: Three estates meet separately & each cast one vote Outcome: 1 st & 2 nd Estate outvote 3 rd Estate MARKS THE START OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION!

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