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The French Regime from 1608-1663  The DOMINATION of the fur trade.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Regime from 1608-1663  The DOMINATION of the fur trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Regime from 1608-1663  The DOMINATION of the fur trade

2 a) What jobs could men have in the fur trade? Coureurs de Bois Voyageurs

3 Fur Trade Merchants Fur Trade Merchants What jobs could men have in the fur trade?

4 Question  Do you think that these jobs would promote population growth? Why or why not?

5 Fur Trade Monopoly  2. Fur trade companies promised to bring settlers in exchange for total control over New France.

6 The Economy

7 Definitions  Staple: A raw material, a traded commodity.  This word is used to describe the main article of trade, the main raw material exported from a region.

8 Definitions  Mother Country: The country which has “conquered” another (colonizer)  Colony: The country which has been “conquered” (colonized)

9 Mercantilism  The economic theory that the more colonies a country had, the more money it could make

10 The Economy of New France: 1500-1630  The economy of New France was based on 2 staples: fish and furs.  What does this mean?

11 2. Cod fisheries A) Cod was in high demand because Catholics ate fish every Friday. B) Whale oil was in high demand in Europe because it was used as fuel for lamps. C) They created TEMPORARY settlements along the shores.

12 2. The Fur Trade a) Why were furs in high demand in Europe? Fur hats were fashionable in Europe

13 b) The King of France gave royal charters to certain fur trade companies which gave them a monopoly (total control) in the fur trade. b) The King of France gave royal charters to certain fur trade companies which gave them a monopoly (total control) in the fur trade.

14 c) Impact on the Land i) permanent settlements develop so that companies can have greater control of the resource ii) land mass of New France grows as explorers look to find new fur sources

15 Impact on the People  First Nations:  First Nations lose collective rights to the land  Contact between First Nations and French changes both cultures

16 Mercantilism  The rulers of Britain, France and Portugal believed in the theory of mercantilism.

17 The State and Aboriginal Partners  Important allies:  1. Why?  A) Fur trade partners  B) Fight against the British

18 2. Why did the Aboriginals do it?  A) Wanted to take back prisoners  B) Ransom  C) Profit from the pillage  D) Honour allies with France  E) Drive the British away from their lands

19 3. Alliance built on compromise  A) Meaning: Neither the French nor the Aboriginals were the clear “leader”  B) Aboriginals did not have to follow French laws  C) Meetings would take place in Aboriginal languages

20  1. The Church and State supported each other and worked together to make sure that laws were obeyed.  In other words: they wanted to keep the “common people” in line. (or as I like to put it, BFF’s! Best Friends for the French Regime!) The Church and the State

21 2. How did the State support the Church?  A) The state made Catholicism the official religion of the colony.  Basically,the Catholic Church had a monopoly over religion in New France.  This gave them A LOT of power.

22 How did the State support the Church?  B) Subsidies ($) were given to clergy, missionaries, hospitals, monks and nuns  C)The Church was given control over many aspects of the habitants daily life (ex: Religious instruction, education, hospitals, and charities)

23 How did the State support the Church?  D) The State ensured that religious duties were respected.  Example: Holidays, paying the church tax (tithe)

24 How did the Church support the State?  A) They taught submission.  This was very helpful especially when it would come time for: the state to ask the people to do things (maintain roads, build things…) for FREE!

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