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GPRS Part II Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture

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Presentation on theme: "GPRS Part II Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture"— Presentation transcript:

1 GPRS Part II Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture 2003. 6. 10.
Nam Hyoung-Joo Communication Protocol Engineering Lab.

2 Contents GPRS Attach Procedure GPRS Detach Procedure
PDP Context Procedure RA/LA Update Procedure GPRS Billing Evolving from GSM to GPRS

3 GPRS Procedures : Attach
Attach : register with a SGSN before using services

4 GPRS Procedures : Detach
Detach : disconnect the GPRS network

5 PDP Context Procedures : Activation

6 PDP Context Procedures : Update

7 PDP Context Procedures : Deactivation

8 RA/LA Update (1/2)

9 RA/LA Update (2/2)

10 GPRS Billing (1/2) MSC collect the billing records in GSM , but SGSN and GGSN in GPRS SGSN : Charging information for an MS Location information The amount of data transmitted The amount of time an MS occupies a PDP address The amount of GPRS-related network resources and the GPRS network activity GGSN The addresses of the destination and the source defined The amount of data delivered between the MS and the external data network The period that the MS has used the PDP addresses

11 GPRS Billing (2/2) The data volume counted
SNDCP level in SGSN GTP level in GGSN CDR(Call Detail Record) types S-CDR is generated in the SGSN for the radio usage G-CDR is generated by the GGSN for the external data network usage M-CDR is generated by the GGSN for mobility management activity CCF (Charging Gateway Function) Support charging information collection, immediate storage, and CDR transfer CCF is either implemented in a separate network node or is distributed among the GSNs

12 Evolving from GSM to GPRS

13 Two Phases in GPRS (1/2) Phase 1 : implements basic GPRS features
Standard packet services delivery ; that is , point-to-point packet bearer service Support for CS-1 and CS-2 channel coding schemes GPRS internal network interfaces such as Gn, Gb, Gp, and Gs Flexible radio resource allocation Support for Classes B and C MSs GPRS charging GSM-based services, such as SMS over GPRS IP and X.25 interfaces to packet data network Static and dynamic IP address allocation Anonymous access Security ; authentication and ciphering

14 Two Phases in GPRS (2/2) Phase 2 Enhanced QoS support in GPRS
Unstructured octet stream GPRS PDP type Access to ISPs and intranets GPRS prepaid GPRS advice of charge Group call Point to multipoint services

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