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Apply for Soroptimist Club Grant Soroptimists strive to improve the lives of women and girls in their community and throughout the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Apply for Soroptimist Club Grant Soroptimists strive to improve the lives of women and girls in their community and throughout the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apply for Soroptimist Club Grant Soroptimists strive to improve the lives of women and girls in their community and throughout the world.

2 Objectives for Workshop  Understand Soroptimist Club Grant Applications  Using SIA tools, learn how clubs can design and implement a successful project  Determine what clubs should look for in project outcomes  Understand that there are many opportunities for community partnering  Learn how to evaluate your project  Learn how to use SIA Media Kit and Club Marketing  Understand the Impact Report

3 Soroptimist Club Grant Grant Requirements  Include hands-on activities by Club members  Benefit women and/or girls by improving their social/economic status and quality of life  Address a demonstrated need in community  Strengthen SI as a presence in the community and increase public awareness  Have measurable outcomes

4 Grant Amounts  Grants from $500 to $10,000  Used for operational costs, equipment and supplies, educational materials, micro-loans, renovations  Club Grants may now include disaster recovery projects  Not for donation to another organization, fund-raising projects, consulting services, deficit financing, speaker fees, stipends or expenses for Soroptimist volunteers

5 Proposal/Grant Request  Cover Sheet  Narrative  Budget Worksheet  Deadlines SIA – not later than March 1, 2016

6 Designing/Implementing Successful Club Project 1. Choose a Women/Girl-Focused Issue 2. Conduct a Community Needs Assessment 3. Choose a Specific Project 4. Consider Partnering 5. Plan the Project 6. Create a Budget and Secure Funds 7. Advertise the Project 8. Implement the Project 9. Evaluate the Project 10. Share the Project’s Success 11. Thank you

7 Choose a Women/Girl Focused Issue  Organize meeting to discuss issues  Allow sufficient time for members to talk about issues they’re interesting in pursuing  Hot issues: domestic violence, human trafficking, health, education, poverty, mentoring, etc.  SIA has white papers on issues for help  Set up Project Committee

8 Conduct a Community Needs Assessment  Determine what services are currently available  Determine what services are most needed  Compile a list of potential partners for the club project

9 Choose a Specific Project  Present the project to members while making a recommendation  Review Corresponding SIA Model Program Kit to generate project ideas and for discussion

10 Plan the Project Facilitating Group Discussion  What are goals and objectives of the project?  How will we accomplish the goals and objectives?  What are our outcome targets?  How will we measure the outcomes?  What methods will we use for carrying out the project?  Responsibilities  Determine what are club responsibilities  Problem Solving  Evaluations determined

11 Create a Budget/Secure Funds  Itemize as much detail as possible and have approved by president and treasurer.  Possible funds procured by holding a fundraiser, corporate sponsorships, grants from SIA o Request donations from club members

12 Advertise the Project  Primary goal of a Soroptimist project is to improve the lives of women/girls. In addition, projects should also be designed to attract media attention in efforts to help raise the public profile of Soroptimist and aid in membership recruitment.  Use SIA media kit: Sample news release, PSA, Media Alert, Pitch Letter  Include member recruitment activities

13 Implement the Project  Following the steps listed above, you will have a successful project. Remember to take action photos  SIA always needs pictures for their magazine and Club needs for many other uses particularly to use for the next time Club implements the project

14 Evaluate the Project  Assess how well the project accomplished what it set out to accomplish.  Measure the extent to which project participants experienced benefits or changes in their lives as a result of the project  Designing a plan for outcomes-based evaluation should be part of initial project planning  Identify what worked well and what needs improving

15 Share the Project’s Success  Local Media  Soroptimist Club Grant Impact Report  Notify media  Soroptimist Celebrating Success Award Enter, Best for Women Magazine or a Program Focus Report on website  Report to your sponsors

16 Thank you  Thank all those who helped to make project a success. Send out thank you cards to partner organizations, sponsors and/or media professionals  Thank all non-Soroptimist volunteers

17 Soroptimist Club Grant Impact Report  Club will be reporting results from project for SIA by August (check website for exact date).  How much funds were used?  Did your club complete project?  Send in Evaluation Results  Measure what your club said you would measure in the application  Did project change lives?

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