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Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles.

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2 Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles


4 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Tax collectors and sinners come to Jesus to hear Him teach v. 1 Again, the Pharisees & scribes complain that Jesus “receives” such disreputable people v. 2 cp. 7:36-39 To refute them, Jesus tells 3 parables v. 3

5 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Lost Sheep vv. 4-7 A man, having 100 sheep, has lost 1 He leaves the 99 and tries to find the 1 Upon finding it, he brings it home…he calls friends & neighbors to rejoice with him Point Ù Heavenly joy when 1 sinner repents

6 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Lost Coin vv. 8-10 A woman, having 10 coins, has lost 1 She searches the entire house to find it Upon finding it, she calls friends & neighbors to rejoice with her for locating it Point Ù Angels rejoice when 1 sinner repents

7 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 A man has 2 sons v. 11 The younger son demands his share of the inheritance v. 12 This son leaves home to live “his own way” – but it did not go as he had planned vv. 13-14

8 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 He learned some “hard” lessons vv. 15-16 Unwise choices we make often result in hardships that put us in worse situations Such situations often lead us to do things we would not ordinarily do

9 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 He learned some “hard” lessons vv. 15-16 He learned about “true friends” “Friends” in v. 13 cp. v. 30 Prov 14:20 23:5 Where were these “friends” when all his money was gone? Prov 17:17

10 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 He finally “came to himself” v. 17 He saw his own errors and sins He realized his father’s servants fared better He would go home, confess sin to his father, and acknowledge his “forfeiture” vv. 18-20a

11 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 He was unaware of his father’s actions while he was gone from home v. 20b Imagine the father’s heart when he caught the first glimpse of his son!! The father showed his love for his returned son v. 20c

12 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 He began his “rehearsed speech” v. 21 The father could have responded in ways that would have “rubbed salt” in his son’s wound However, the father wouldn’t “accept” his son’s ideas re: how things would be vv. 22-24

13 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 However, the father wouldn’t “accept” his son’s ideas re: how things would be vv. 22-24 Clothe & feed him as a son, not a servant Point Ù how have some brethren reacted when erring brethren repent & return?

14 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 The older son comes to the house, hears the “party” & inquires as to its purpose vv. 25-26 He is informed that his younger brother has come back home to a jubilant father v. 27 He is angry…refuses to participate v. 28a

15 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 The father begs him to reconsider v. 28b The older son justifies himself based on his years of faithfulness and reminds his father of how “his other son” had failed him vv. 29-30 He won’t even acknowledge him as a “brother”

16 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 The father reassures the older son of his position v. 31 However, he also encourages this son to appreciate the “appropriateness” of rejoicing over the return of his wayward brother v. 32

17 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 Parable Of The Prodigal Son vv. 11-32 The focus of this parable is not the younger son who went astray The focus of this parable is the older son who grumbled against the “finding of the lost son” cp. vv. 1-2

18 Lesson 15 – Jewish Prejudice 15:1-32 These 3 parables also emphasize how men can become “lost” Like sheep Ù unaware they are lost Like a coin Ù through the efforts of others Like a son Ù through stubborn rebellion; wanting to do things their way 4


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